
真心新聞網:從藏傳佛教卡盧仁波切二世「心碎在法國」 聽到來自藏傳佛教內部改革的聲音

(真心新聞網採訪組台北報導)藏傳佛教卡盧仁波切二世,在自拍影片「卡盧仁波切的自白Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche」中,以自身的經歷,踢爆喇嘛圈內性侵男童、爭權奪利的實況,更在自己的部落格寫下「心碎在法國 Broken hearted in France」。2011年4月19日,雖然他繼承了老卡盧仁波切的頭銜與資財,但他道出「厭倦了佛法政治,厭倦了佛法交易」的心情,告訴讀者:他需要支持,去改革「濫用權力、濫用金錢的制度」,將之改變為「尊重人、尊重修學者的制度」。以下是他最真切的自白:

As a matter of fact, many people have come to me and informed me about the misbehavior of some of the lamas over many years; moreover there is a deep unhappiness and disharmony among the residents. In the interest of protecting the center and the Dharma I requested the lamas there to step down. Shamelessly, in response, those lamas have decided with a lawyer to deny my authority as spiritual head of the lineage and this center.

Many times lamas talk about devotion. Devotion, devotion, devotion, but when I need to make a change that counters their plans, there is no agreement, no devotion. I am tired of Dharma politics. I am tired of Dharma business.

既然這麼多年來,真誠的修行者來過(譯註:指法國勃艮第大區噶舉閉關中心Kagyu Ling),他們有的離開,有的感到失望,有的感到傷心…該是重新連結、將一切推回軌道的時候了。
Since all those years, sincere practitioners have come, many have left, many have been disillusioned, many are sad, it is time to reconnect and put things back on track.

我想要改革這個濫用權力、濫用金錢的制度,將它改變為尊重人、尊重修學者的制度。我想要護持佛法。我想要保持佛法的純淨。我想要護持Kagyu Ling。
I want to change the system for a system that doesn’t involve abuse of power or abuse of money and is respectful of people and students. I want to keep Dharma safe. I want to keep Dharma pure. I want to keep Kagyu Ling safe.

I need prayers and support from all of you to put it right. Please join us in prayer and action during this difficult time. Sorry to bother you with bad news. I know that you have professional and family obligations, but at this time I really need you.



After 3 years retreat, all the people are interested because you know they kind of think that I have this great qualification and something which I can remember about my past life and it's nothing like that.


I see all these Buddhist people who are not Buddhist. They look like a Buddhist and they sound like a Buddhist and they act like a Buddhist and I am so confused.

因為,事實上高階喇嘛圈就是權力慾望的共同犯罪體,他們所謂的修行,是為了取得掌握世俗的權力,一切的行為都在這個最高原則下進行。張董事長說:卡盧二世在「卡盧仁波切的自白Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche」片中,坦白自爆喇嘛體制內不為人知的犯罪惡行:他們對外示現慈悲、仁愛、護法,事實上關起門來對付年幼的「轉世靈童」毫不手軟;他們的目的只有一個:控制這個所謂卡盧一世的轉世再來人,就能夠掌控整個教派的政治資源,包括金錢與權力。



值得觀察的是:當藏傳佛教隨著達賴喇嘛、諸仁波切、大小活佛出走西藏,活躍在自由民主的歐美各國時,新一代年輕喇嘛接受了西方的民主、人權思潮,會對藏傳佛教產生什麼樣的量變及質變? 張董事長認為,卡盧二世絕對不會是唯一一個跳出來向自家體制喊話的喇嘛,這從夏瑪巴公開揭露丹麥籍喇嘛Ole Nydahl性交雙修已經可以看出端倪。

尤其卡盧二世在《卡盧的自白Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche》、《心碎在法國 Broken hearted in France》、以及其它演說中流露的,明顯沒有傳統喇嘛沆瀣一氣、橫柴強入灶的歪理強辯。相反的,他正式揭發喇嘛們追逐權勢、彼此不滿、互相鬥爭的實情,以及喇嘛們甚至不惜訴請律師、想要將他拉下龍頭寶座。這顯示出卡盧二世本身不是一個具有傳統喇嘛思惟的喇嘛,他的作為流露出西方尊重個人、尊重民主、尊重自由、尊重人權的影響。




轉載自正覺教育基金會全球資訊網 http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/trueheart/222


Real Lamas Perform Real Sexual Practice -Exposing the Lies Made by Dawa Tsering, Director of the Tibet Religious Foundation of H. H. the Dalai Lama (Part 3)

(By the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei)

Radio Free Asia (U.S.-funded) broadcast an interview, with Chairman Zhang of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation, Teacher Yu Zhengwei, and Dawa Tsering, Director of the Tibet Religious Foundation of H. H. the Dalai Lama on Dec. 7, 2011.

Dawa Tsering said, “Sutras clearly stipulated that the fully ordained monks who have received precepts are forbidden to have such practice, since they are not allowed to have any physical contact with females. Some lamas might have sexual affairs with females, but we can certainly see bad apples in all religions, as such behavior is considered deceitful. From the religious point of view, their deceitful grave sins, especially in the name of religion, will definitely cause them to fall down to hell after death.

Chairman Zhang of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation points out that every time a sex scandal involving a Tantric lama surfaces, the typical explanation provided by the Tibet Religious Foundation of H.H. the Dalai Lama is that the lama in question is fake or sex scandals also happen in other religions to blur the focus.

It is plainly obvious that the core doctrine of Tibetan “Buddhism” is the Couple-Practice Tantra. The tantric practice of sexual union has been extremely popular in the Western world for decades. It is no surprise that allegations of sexual abuse by the lamas are frequent occurrences and it is certainly different from the isolated incidents of other religions. It is rather an inevitable and continual result derived from the erroneous and wicked Tantric doctrines. Unfortunately, the Taiwanese community has been poorly informed all along.

Some well-known Tibetan great living “Buddhas,” including Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, and Kalu Rinpoche, a celebrated guru in Taiwan and the Western communities, have received wide media coverage abroad over their sex scandals. Such cases are fully illustrated in the new book of True Wisdom Publishing Co., The Sexual World of Lamas, a few extracts of which as follows:

Best-selling Buddhist Author Accused of Sexual Abuse
A $10 million dollar civil suit was filed in Santa Cruz by a woman who says Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, "coerced" her into an intimate relationship. … "Sogyal claimed (she) would be strengthened and healed by having sex with him and that to be hit by a lama was a blessing," the lawsuit states.
(The Sexual World of Lamas, True Wisdom Publishing Co., 1st edition July 2011, Appendix XVIII)

On February 10, 1999, the UK’s Independent published an article revealing that for years, a celebrated Tibetan Buddhist lama has sexually abused victims (his adherents, disciples, etc). The reporter interviewed Ms. June Campbell, a Scottish religious philosopher. She revealed that she had for years been the secret sexual consort of the Tibetan Buddhist lama, Kalu Rinpoche. This article entitled, I was a Tantric Sex Slave, describes in detail about the practice of Tantric sex in Lamaism (Tibetan Tantric Buddhism). The words, “dakini, consort or Buddha mother” are poetic terms for a woman used by a lama for sex to practice the so-called dual operation of bliss and emptiness of the Highest Yoga Tantra, or the clear light of bliss. Sadly enough, these are females beguiled into becoming sex slaves by Tibetan Tantric lamas. Through these reports, readers can gain more insights into the essence of Tibetan Tantric practice and the true colors of the Couple-Practice Tantra. For more info please refer to The Sexual World of Lamas, appendix X.

Chairman Zhang further indicates, the fact that the sexual Tantra was greatly promoted by Kalu Rinpoche in the West was not only exposed by his own consort, the case was also commented by another well-known figure in Tibetan “Buddhism,” Shamar Rinpoche (a Tibetan, and a “Living Buddha Regent” title was conferred on him by the Karma Kagyu lineage before Ogyen Trinley Dorje was enthroned to the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa). He states:

In 1980 I came to the United States on my first trip to a western country. It was then that I finally learned how Vajrayana is promoted in western countries. I concluded that Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Kalu Rinpoche were primarily responsible for introducing tantric union practices to westerners. As far as I understand, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche's philosophy about westerners is that they are highly motivated by sexual desire, inhabiting a realm of sexual desire. Because of that, he saw Tantra as fit for them. When Kalu Rinpoche taught union practice to westerners, he taught them that it was a Tibetan tradition that he had taught in Tibet in the same way. Indeed, Kalu Rinpoche was really highly trained in tantric teachings. The two of them strongly promoted Tantra in the West and as a result of their efforts tantric practice became a big hit in America, Canada and Europe. (The Sexual World of Lamas, Appendix VIII)

This clearly shows that the sexual practice of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is very popular in the modern West, and it had been commonly practiced by Tibetan lamas in Tibet.

Furthermore, Diana Mukpo, wife and widow of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche wrote a book Dragon Thunder: My Life with Chogyam Trungpa, in which she talks about the many sexual scandals of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and describes the promiscuous life style of his successor, Osel Tendzin. Osel Tendzin was infected with the AIDS virus and sexually transmitted the disease to a female disciple - she was just one of many un-named female disciples who were qualified as Tendzin’s sexual partners.

Buddhist Sect Alarmed by Reports that Leader Kept his AIDS a Secret
The biggest branch of Tibetan Buddhism in America has been stunned with reports that its spiritual leader, whose homosexual activity was known to the movement's insiders, has been infected with the AIDS virus since 1985 but did not acknowledge the problem until last December when a companion was also found to be infected. …It was founded in 1970 in Boulder, Colo., by the Venerable Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, who named Tendzin as his successor before he died in 1987. (The Sexual World of Lamas, appendix XXII)

Chairman Zhang points out that if Dawa Tsering would still lie that the lamas in question were all fake ones, let us ask Dawa Tsering the following questions: Is Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the world-bestselling book Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, a fake lama? Is Kalu Rinpoche, who promotes the Couple-Practice Tantra extensively in the Western countries, a fake lama? Are both Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and his successor Osel Tenzin also fake lamas? Is the Dalai Lama, who diligently propagates the Couple-Practice of the Highest Yoga Tantra, a fake lama? In actuality, these lamas mentioned above are all prominent figures in Tibetan “Buddhism.” Would Dawa Tsering also attempt to deny this fact and argue that they are all being unjustly accused?

The Dalai Lama, the head leader of Tibetan “Buddhism,” explicitly states in his books that a monastic can practice the copulation tantra and would not violate the monastic precepts. The Dalai Lama says:

For Buddhists, sexual intercourse can be used in the spiritual path because it causes a strong focusing of consciousness if the practitioner has firm compassion and wisdom. Its purpose is to manifest and prolong the deeper levels of mind (described earlier with respect to the process of dying), in order to put their power to use in strengthening the realization of emptiness. Otherwise, mere intercourse has nothing to do with spiritual cultivation. When a person has achieved a high level of practice in motivation and wisdom, then even the joining of the two sex organs, or so-called intercourse, does not detract from the maintenance of that person’s pure behavior. Yogis who have achieved a high level of the path and are fully qualified can engage in sexual activity and a monastic with this ability can maintain all the precepts. (The XIV Dalai Lama, translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins, How to Practice: The Way to a Meaningful Life, Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. NY, 2002, p.193.)

According to the Dalai Lama’s statement, Dawa Tsering apparently lies about the fact that Tibetan “Buddhist” monks are not allowed to practice the Couple-Practice Tantra. Actually, for Tibetan Tantric practitioners, either lay or monastic, their final goal is to cultivate the couple-practice of copulation with the female adherents. If the couple-practice tactic is rejected, the lamas would sexually molest the female followers in the name of “love for all.” This social phenomenon has been quite common in Taiwan lately and Tibetan Buddhist authority has its own way to handle such disgraceful incidents committed by Tibetan Tantric lamas. The typical scenario would be that they first asserted that the lamas in questions are fake ones. In case lamas are proven to be real, they would explain that the sexual abuses committed by the lamas are just isolated incidents. Meanwhile, they would try to offer an out-of court settlement; if it failed, they would instigate their followers to threaten the victims altogether. When the judicial system starts to investigate the case, the trouble-maker would then flee from Taiwan. After the incidents finally fade away, lamas would again re-enter Taiwan under a different name and continue to propagate the Couple-Practice Tantra and mislead the Taiwanese female adherents.

Such typical tactics are their routines to handle the repeated sexual scandals committed by Tibetan lamas. For example, Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the world-bestselling book Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, had sexually assaulted many females. After the scandal broke on November 10, 1994, in the U.S., California, Sogyal Rinpoche could not deny the allegations of abuse because fresh evidence against him was aired in a TV program. He then fled out of America and paid an unknown amount of compensation to settle out of court in private. He also refused to make any public statements on the scandal in an attempt to let it bygone and be forgotten. Moreover, the sexual abuse cases by lamas have happened almost every year recently in Taiwan. The most well-known case would be the scandal happening on July 14, 2006. Linla Rinpoche, a lama of Abbot Khenpo at Dzogchen Monastery of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, not only sexually assaulted more than twenty females but forced the victims to perform oral sex and swallow his semen, which he falsely claimed to be the “white bodhis” (semen) especially granted to the female disciples. After the scandal broke, a related spokesperson of the Tibet Religious Foundation of H.H. the Dalai Lama claimed right away that Linla Rinpoche was a fake lama. As soon as the judicial system began to investigate the case, Linla Rinpoche immediately left Taiwan to escape the criminal prosecution. Naturally the case went down like a lead balloon and faded from the public’s memory eventually.

Fortunately, in recent years, after the True Enlightenment Education Foundation has uncovered the true face of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, the general public gradually acknowledge the serious problems caused by the couple-practice tantra. Last November (2011), the lama Shenglun, a rinpoche certified by the Dharma King of the Ngorpa Sakya Sect of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, was accused of committing sexual abuses. In lama Shenglun’s bedroom, the police found twenty books about the copulation-practice and sexual orgasm, as well as the naked couple-body “Buddha” statues. What’s more pathetic was that the nuns in the monastery served as matchmakers in search of copulating partners for the lama Shenglun. According to the media reports, he selected young and attractive females for copulating partners. We deplore this fact that the promiscuous Couple-Practice Tantra has already infiltrated Buddhist temples in Taiwan! It has also proven that for those who have practiced Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, they are bound to be on the path to the couple-practice of copulation. Nevertheless, the truth will eventually come to light, and the sexual molestation cases will be exposed by the media sooner or later.

Lastly, Chairman Zhang appeals: The Foundation is calling for the public to stay away from such counterfeit Buddhism. We hope that all Buddhist monks can also step forward courageously to get rid of “Tibetan fake Buddhism” and restore the Buddhist community to its pure practice. We also hope that none of the religious practitioners would follow the example of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism in the name of religious practice. Thus, we are in hope that the government could be strong enough to dispel this “sinister cult,” which is based on its illicit tenet of the couple-practice tantra and violates social moral, from Taiwan. (Reported by the Interviewing Team)20120507

Editor’s Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on
January 24, 2012.

Reference Source: http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/trueheart_en/29




張董事長接著表示,在《喇嘛性世界》第63頁~72頁引用了一篇英文報導,其中提到:「有報導指出,藏傳佛教在美國最大宗派的精神領袖已於1985年染上愛滋病,但他卻一直隱瞞事實,直到去年12月一名同伴也染上愛滋病,他才承認此事。這些報導震驚了他的信徒圈,因為他的同性戀行為只有宗派裡的內部人才知道。一位組織裡的主管聲稱這樁醜聞為道德上一場「悲慘的大災難」。當事人為45歲的歐澤天津Ozel Tendzin,出生於美國,擔任國際金剛界Vajradhatu佛教組織的領導者。….. 有幾位親近該宗派高層主管的受訪者證實了Tendzin 的一位年輕男性伴侶和其一位女性友人已經被檢查出是愛滋病病毒的帶原者。」(《喇嘛性世界》,正智出版社,頁63~64)

這篇報導的Los Angeles Times 的報紙網頁:














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(真心新聞網採訪組台北報導)丹麥籍喇嘛尼達爾(Ole Nydahl)日前於瑞士傳出被女弟子指控他濫用權力、宗教性侵和持有種族意識。瑞士的菩提道中心(Bodhi Path Center)共有5處,人們指稱該法門為真正的邪教,領導人尼達爾喇嘛因與女弟子的關係遭到性侵的質疑,他的前弟子們怨訴他濫用權力並有種族主義。

尼達爾喇嘛現年70歲,出生於丹麥,曾就讀於德國杜賓根大學、慕尼黑大學。他與妻子漢娜(Hannah)至尼泊爾新婚旅行時,接觸到藏傳佛教噶瑪噶舉派,先後親近第十六世噶瑪巴讓炯日佩多杰(Rangjung Rigpe Dorje)、十七世噶瑪巴聽列泰耶多傑(Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje),返歐後廣設金剛乘禪修中心,堪稱在歐洲推廣藏傳佛教的重要人物。

依據諸多資料顯示,尼達爾喇嘛不僅完整地傳承了藏傳佛教的譚崔修行,自己更身體力行奉行不輟,瑞士、德國等國均已傳出多起受害女性指控尼達爾宗教性侵的案件。32歲、職業為通訊顧問的瑪麗安娜‧胡伯(Marianne Huber)說:「我親眼見識了金剛乘禪修中心的菁英主義、種族主義和性別歧視。」瑪麗安娜曾在尼達爾主持的金剛乘禪修中心修學過兩年,一開始她曾著迷於尼達爾所傳授的藏傳佛教教法。對此,蘇黎世的邪教專家施密特教授(Professor Georg Schmid)分析說:「尼達爾喇嘛的魅力在於他向弟子們保證,追隨他能夠充分享受生活、性愛、成功、以及開悟。」


美國威斯康辛的論壇報「La Crosse Tribune」專欄作家Joe Orso也在2009年11月15日的〈尼達爾喇嘛:佛學教師還是江湖郎中? Lama Ole: Buddhist teacher or charlatan?〉披露尼達爾性交修行的事實。他電話訪問尼達爾有關他與女弟子發生性關係的事,尼達爾「沒有否認」,並且回答說:「我們的性行為中沒有一點師生關係,她們是金剛乘佛教徒,但在那一刻她們不是我的弟子。她們是平等的夥伴。」





張董事長指出,外籍喇嘛們的雙修事實,對比了藏傳佛教一貫自相矛盾的說法。資料顯示:尼達爾喇嘛從學藏傳佛教,經歷了卡盧仁波切、天噶仁波切、第十六世噶瑪巴、第十七世噶瑪巴,藏傳佛教的譚崔修行隱藏又緊密包含在傳承法教之中。而紅帽法王夏瑪巴仁波切更曾經公開說:「邱陽‧創巴(Chogyam Trungpa)、卡盧(Kalu)仁波切是將譚崔性交法門引入西方的先鋒。…….西方人的性慾很強,活在性的世界裡,於是斷定譚崔性交是適合西方人的法門。卡盧仁波切把性交修行法門傳給西方人,並告訴他們,這是西藏的傳統,他在西藏也是以相同的方式傳授給信徒。」(《喇嘛性世界》第12-16頁)這說明了藏傳佛教之所以大舉轉向歐美,向外籍人士傳播,是因為他們是藏傳佛教喇嘛眼中「最具根器」的弟子,因此不需要對西方人要求傳統的規矩:欲學習藏密要先學習顯教經論三年,然後再觀察因緣、是否具足信心之後才授以「秘密之教」。 相反的,到西方傳教的先鋒喇嘛們都是有志一同地:一開始就全盤托出,開宗明義將藏傳佛教最精華、最核心、最要義、最根本的譚崔修行法門,教導給「性慾很強」的西洋弟子們。

認為外國人士是最具根器弟子的,不僅僅只限於邱陽‧創巴(Chogyam Trungpa)活佛、卡盧仁波切,包括藏傳佛教的大家長十四世達賴喇嘛在內,也是如此傳授法義。德國藏密評論家特利蒙地(Trimondi)認清藏傳佛教的真實面目之後,曾向瑞士Yabyum雜誌的記者表示,以前之所以信受達賴喇嘛、藏傳佛教,除了達賴喇嘛的個人魅力、看似民主科學的主張,另一個原因是藏傳佛教的核心「坦特羅」(Tantra,譚崔性交修行):「我們似乎看到了一個追求兩性平等,不排斥性愛、甚至以性愛為中心主旨的宗教。」





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