The lamas of the Tibetan Tantric School have been sexually abusing many women and girls for a long time; they collect money by fraud and are love swindlers. In the Dalai Lama's book, he frankly says:
For Buddhists, sexual intercourse can be used in the spiritual path because it causes a strong focusing on consciousness if the practitioner has firm compassion and wisdom. Its purpose is to manifest and prolong deeper levels of mind (described earlier with respect to the process of dying), in order to put their power to use in strengthening the realization of the emptiness. Otherwise, mere intercourse has nothing to do with spiritual cultivation. When a person has achieved a high level of practice in motivation and wisdom, then even the joining of the two sex organs, or so-called intercourse, does not detract from the maintenance of that person's pure behavior. Yogis who have achieved a high level of the path and are fully qualified can engage in sexual activity and a monastic with this ability can maintain all the precepts. (Dalai Lama XIX/translated and edited by Jeffery Hopkins, How to Practice: The Way to a Meaningful Life, Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. NY, 2002, p.193.)In fact, sexual intercourse can never be the means of Buddhist practice because one should be away from the sexual desire in order to attain even the basic samadhi (禪定) in Buddhism.
The actual "compassion" of Tibetan "Buddhism" was told by the Dalai Lama. In his book, the Dalai Lama says:
A practitioner who has firm compassion and wisdom can make use of sexual intercourse in the spiritual path as a technique for strongly focusing consciousness and manifesting the fundamental innate mind of clear light. Its purpose is to actualize and prolong the deeper levels of mind in order to put their power to use in strengthening the realization of emptiness. (Dalai Lama XIV/translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins, Mind of Clear Light: Advice on living well and dying consciously, Atria Books, 2003, p.176.)Obviously, the lamas are using the female followers as the sexual partners to have the practice of extensive copulations. They give it a dignified name and say that it is to “strengthen the realization of emptiness” . Actually, the gurus or lamas desire to have sex with most of the female followers; under the guise of Buddhist term "enlightenment," they seduce the beautiful young females. (In fact, they refuse to have sex with the ugly old females, violating the spirit of love for all.) What the Dalai Lama preaches is "a fake Buddhism that makes use of sexual partners".
He says again in his another book:
According to the New translation Schools, at a certain high point in the practice of Secret Mantra, the mantrika engages in special practices such as making use of a sexual partner, hunting animals, and so forth. Though it is easy to explain the purpose of employing a partner as a means of bringing desire to the path and inducing subtler consciousnesses which realize emptiness, the hunting of animals cannot be explained that way. (The XIV Dalai Lama, Kindness, Clarity, & Insight, Snow Lion Publications, 1988, p.219.)Therefore, for the lamas of Tibetan fake Buddhism, "the sexual partner" plays a very important role. For this reason, it is understood why they are often accused of sexual assaults - when the female follower is unwilling to have the couple-practice with the lama and the lama mistakenly thinks that she only pretends to be shy, a scandal breaks after the lama has sexually assaulted her.
The article below is originally from the True Heart News. If you would like to know more information and read more articles about Tibetan Buddhism, please go to the website HERE to find out the truth of Tibetan lamas and rinpoches.
Tibetan “Buddhism”? The Dark Side of the Human MindThe news about Tibetan lamas and rinpoches:
(By Guo Fengyan of the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei) On the appearance, it seems that many practitioners of Tibetan “Buddhism” have realized the true reality of the Buddha-dharma. Regarding this, Xiong Jun, Executive Secretary of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation, explains that Tibetan Tantric practitioners are good at using great titles, such as dharma-king, living “Buddha” and rinpoche to deceive followers and defraud followers of their money by elevating false level of attainment. Those fake stage of attainment are actually made from severe deception; those with such titles are all ordinary people.
Xiong Jun points out that the Dalai Lama is extolled as the reincarnation of Avalokitesvava Bodhisattva. Most Buddhists would never dare to commit such deed of severe deception. As Tibetan lamas claiming themselves as the rebirths of great bodhisattvas or to have attained Buddhahood, most Buddhists would not have any doubt on that, for everyone knows very well that should a person lie about his level of attainment, the extreme painful retribution in uninterrupted hell for uncountable eons will be drawn for those severe deceptions. As a result, nobody dares to commit such evil deeds. Therefore, when lamas openly claim to have such lofty level of realization, they could effortlessly earn blind idolatry and respect from the novices.
Executive Secretary Xiong further points out that Tibetan lamas, up from the Dalai Lama and down to the ordinary ones, are all pursuers of the couple-practice of the “Highest Yoga Tantra”. They love to immerse themselves in the lustful desires in long hours every day without the least undefiled mind as that of the ordinary people. They are not able to eliminate the love of the desire-realm, nor can they realize the no-desire state of the form and formless-realm, not to mention the state beyond them. Apparently, they do not achieve the level of the first dhyana obtained by the non-Buddhist who is able to stay away from desires. In addition, attaching firmly to the conscious mind, Tantric practitioners regard it as the mind of permanent existence. Therefore, it is evident that the First Fruit level of sound-hearers, achieved by those who have eliminated their self-view, which has not even been realized by any lamas from ancient times till now. Even worse, they often illicitly have sex with other people’s wives and daughters to seek for the lustful pleasure throughout the body; with such disgraceful behavior, lamas cannot even abide by the ethical standards of ordinary people, let alone be an enlightened Bodhisattva. How could they possibly be the rebirth of any bodhisattva?
Tibetan ”Buddhism” is an organized, long-lasting international fraudulent group. Executive Secretary Xiong states that they lure the public by claiming that one can “attain Buddhahood in a single lifetime” through practicing tantras. The beginners of Buddhism, wishing to learn the pure way of practice, normally do not have the capability to identify what the real essence should be to attain Buddhahood. Therefore, they tend to totally accept the bold claim of “attaining Buddhahood in a lifetime” by Tibetan “Buddhism” and inevitably fall into the dark and endless pit. During the process of so-called the way to Buddhahood, a great deal of fortune would be offered by the followers in order to get the blessings from their gurus. Some female followers even offer their own bodies to please their gurus; unfortunately, they are sexually abused by lamas and still naively believe that this is the way to “attain Buddhahood in a single lifetime.”
Xiong Jun points out: Tibetan “Buddhism” has placed the status of gurus well above the Three Jewels – Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha; that is in fact a deliberate cunning plot. Xiong Jun further says that Tibetan “Buddhism” emphasizes that empowerment could only be received while the followers have full faith in their gurus. The followers must accept whatever the gurus or rinpoches demand, so that they could become neither plural nor distinctive from their gurus. This is indeed a typical way of brainwashing. Once being brainwashed, the followers would just offer whatever the gurus ask for, money or sexuality alike. As a result, the followers would commence their way of Buddhist practice of depending on the person but not the doctrine; what they are learning indeed has nothing to do with the true Buddha dharma at all. While knowing what the true dharma is, we are deeply saddened by the fact that the fundamental teaching of Tibetan “Buddhism” is not only having illicit sex with other people’s wives and daughters, but also taking money offerings from them.
Xiong Jun explains sincerely and earnestly that the cultivation path taught by the Buddha is to practice through the process of “hearing, pondering and cultivating” and to negate the conscious mind (the sixth vijnana) and its belongings of self; thereby one can be able to eliminate self-view and to “realize” the First Fruit. (However, in the teachings of Tibetan “Buddhism,” lamas are required to seek the sensual pleasure via sex throughout the body everyday, which is exactly the state of the conscious mind and the body-vijnana. Both are within the scope of vijnana-skandha and its belongings of self). Furthermore, it is essential to stay away from desires to activate the First Dhyana and to realize the Third Fruit; moreover, one must get enlightened by realizing the eighth vijnana Tathagatagarbha, thereby becoming a great bodhisattva. A great bodhisattva is not a Buddha yet until his All-Seed-Prajna has been fully fulfilled. Hence, how could the obscene copulation tantra with sexual pleasure enjoyed by lamas of Tibetan “Buddhism,” which is down and tied to the desire-realm enable the practitioners to become Buddha? All wise people should be aware of it and avoid being led astray so as not to fall beyond redemption.
Lastly, Executive Secretary Xiong Jun states: observing from above, we can see there is no bright side at all in the minds of the Tibetan “Buddhism” leader and all lamas. Since they have been following the root doctrine of Tibetan “Buddhism,” teachings of the Lotus Born and Tsongkhapa, and seeking the lustful pleasure from the copulation with female followers everyday. The state of the sexual enjoyment of the desire-realm is the only thing that lamas think of during the day and dream about at night. Indeed, we can conclude that the lamas’ minds are full of darkness. (Reported by Guo Fengyan)20111107
Editor's Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on February 25, 2011
1. Best-selling Buddhist author accused of sexual abuse:
2. Tibetan Buddhism, Kama Sutra, and Tantric Sex:
3. I was a Tantric sex slave:
4. Buddhist Sect Alarmed by Reports That Leader Kept His AIDS a Secret:
Again, Tibetan Buddhism (Tibetan Tantric Buddhism or Lamaism) is indeed NOT Buddhism nor orthodox Buddhism at all.