
[正受優婆塞戒的條件(四)] ─ 菩薩正行第114集








[什麼是學佛人的飲食觀?] ─ 學佛釋疑二第70集







飲食,不僅是一般人所重的事,對於佛門中尚未見道的修行人,也是極爲粗重、要對治的事,因此聲聞律中許多的規定都和飲食有關。飲食的律則,就是要消除最基本的貪欲,所以戒律中有非常繁瑣又不得不面對的事情;也因此多次聲聞僧團中的異議,都有著飲食觀的分歧意見。如第一件破僧事件的提婆達多,因為對 佛陀起嫉妒心想要取而代之,要他追隨的人出去對出家不久的年少弟子宣說:「你們只要跟隨我,不要去跟隨佛陀;你們只要盡形壽守著五法——就是盡形壽乞食、著糞掃衣、不食鹽酥、不吃魚肉、還有露坐,你只要受持這五法,很快就可以證果。」提婆達多訂立這種簡易的法則,就是要誘惑年少的僧人來歸依他。這五法當中飲食就佔了三法,所以就是屬於飲食、衣服、住所簡易的禁戒。但是,三乘菩提道的修證是要戒、定、慧具足,解脫道的正見慧觀更是重要的基礎。提婆達多認為他所提出關於衣服、飲食、住所的五法,是比 佛陀僧團規定的還嚴謹。但是,佛陀在教示有苦行習性的弟子——如大迦葉行頭陀行時,內容是比提婆達多所提的還多,有十二條;而且,佛陀針對每一條持守的法則,都仔細地開示觀行的內涵、方法和趣向,教導好樂於頭陀苦行的弟子們,如何依十二條的持守來產生慧觀、來產生定、來斷煩惱,而得能趣向菩提的智慧。所以這十二頭陀法是助道法,要依之能產生定與慧,才能趣向菩提。在《瑜伽師地論》當中 彌勒菩薩也開示:「在正法中修行的人,有三種人會有苦惱不安穩。第一種,就是出家了、也能受持所有的禁戒,捨棄世俗中所有的貪愛,但是他執著於戒行清淨,受用於戒行清淨的境界,很喜歡安於其中以為滿足,不能轉進增上修學定與慧;第二種人,是他能夠增上轉進修學慧學,但是他只是聞法,他不去深入的思惟與修觀;第三種人,是他雖然能夠深入的去思惟以及修證,但是也有果德的證得——或者二果、或者初果,但是因為他放逸不精進,不會將心樂住於法住法行當中。」所以 彌勒菩薩說:「這三種修行人仍會有苦惱不安穩,所以不能證得無上安穩的涅槃道。」所以,我們再回頭來看提婆達多所提的五法,是無法具足全然清淨的戒行,與慧解脫沒有關係;他所說的如果屬實,那許多動物的行爲就是涅槃本了;因此他所說的是「非法為法、非律為律」,是分裂僧團、誤導新僧所建立的邪見。

另一件可見飲食對僧團的影響,就是第一次結集。第一次結集,參與的人不僅四眾不具足,連比丘們也是偏向頭陀苦行的摩訶迦葉的追隨者。結集的內容是以聲聞人的戒律為中心,是以聲聞人的法律爲中心,時間也只有三個月,不但成佛之道的大乘法沒能彰顯出來,連聲聞的律法也沒能周延地完整結集出來。所以這一次的結集是為安定聲聞僧團,是有其必要性;但這不是一個 佛陀教義下完整地結集,這是一個共見的事實。所以,當富樓那尊者回來看到結集的內容,有著許多的意見。可是聲聞律中,只記錄了富樓那對戒律中飲食不同的意見,聲聞律寫著富樓那對大迦葉說:「我親自聽聞佛說:『有七件事是可以開例不犯戒的:就是寺院可以儲藏隔天的食物,可以在寺院裡煮東西——比丘可以自己動手煮,也可以主動伸手受食,也可以從人受食,也可以自己去摘果子來吃,也可以自己去採水裡的植物來吃,有殼的食物可以自己撥去以後來吃,不必等淨人處理。』」可是大迦葉說:「那是在非常時期如饑荒時,佛陀後來又制定不可以了!」富樓那就講了說:「佛不會一下說可以、一下又說不可以!其他的我可以忍,這七件事我不能同意這樣的制行,所以我還是會依著我所親聞的來教導後人。」富樓那就離開了。這七件事都和飲食有關,其實富樓那的意見怎麼會只在飲食有關的事件上呢?可是在有限條件下所結集出來的內容,其中的缺漏,實在不是三言兩語所能夠說明的。

現在許多佛教系的學術研究者和佛學弘法者,經常以第一次結集的經典來否定大乘。言:成佛之道的大乘法非佛說,是後期發展出來的。並以此來寫書立論,在教席上教導學人。這是自誤誤人極為嚴重與偏失的教導!在台灣、大陸兩岸也有出家法師宣講著這樣的言說來否定大乘漢傳佛教,認為自己是很客觀的、有研究依據的。對於這些法師,我們先不談他們未來世的果報,我們要問的是:「就以您現在為什麼能在漢地出家的福報?您現在為什麼能有那麼多大乘經典閱讀的福報?您現在為什麼能夠得到那麼多大乘信眾發心的布施供養?是自己真的有這樣的德行嗎?玩弄現代學術研究的您,難道不清楚這都是從 佛陀以身示現開始,歷經印度、中國一代又一代的大乘菩薩犧牲奉獻傳承的大乘法教,所以才讓你今天有這樣的福報嗎?你穿著僧服,卻依憑著、宣揚著近百年來以歐洲一神教為本的學術研究來為言說,這是以身逆佛、謗法、毀僧的行為,腳底難道不涼嗎?難道你每天禮佛,面對 佛陀、諸大菩薩、祖師,是如何抬得起頭來?每天唸完二時臨齋儀三世諸佛、大乘菩薩聖名後,面對餐食,你是如何嚥得下口?」

回到第一次結集來說,聲聞人也只記下富樓那對飲食意見的七件事。因為印度當時有些地方是很貧乏,如果禁止這七件事,在米糧高價、或饑荒、或食物不易乞討的時候,對於僧團中修行人會造成很大的不方便;乃至經常要爲了這些瑣事辦理羯磨,徒增人、事、時間的消耗,於法無益。但對頭陀苦行的摩訶迦葉嚴持聲聞戒律的他來說,是寧可餓死,小戒也不可通融。大迦葉的堅持,已能區分出必須積極求一世解脫的聲聞道,和願意多劫利樂眾生菩薩道,兩者不同的特質了! 同樣,在聲聞眾中引發第二次結集的十事非法中,有六件事也和飲食有關。對聲聞人來說,不要在飲食上花費太多的心力與時間,不要起飲食貪,能夠將時間都用在思惟法義、斷惑證果上,是很重要的事情。但是,飲食的需求又是每天必須面對的業報,所以聲聞戒中有許多的規定都和飲食有關;乃至於因為飲食,發生一次又一次重大的事件。佛在涅槃前,又一再的作出對出家聲聞人的交代,佛說:「一切穀米、大小麥豆,都可以接受信眾的供養,但是每天只要日中一食就不要再吃了。那乞食以及在僧團中如果有人來請時,要依著次第、要知足,不要接受別於僧團次第安排的請食,不要吃肉、不要喝酒,一切五辛味道的都不要吃。」大慈大悲的 佛陀已經要入涅槃了,還將什麼該做、什麼不該做的戒律,又殷重地交代了一遍;連吃飯要如何吃才能夠如法不放逸,又細說明白、仔細交代,可見 佛陀對弟子們是多麼的用心呵護!因為出家修行、受眾供養,是專業的修行人,此世如果不精進於法道,無常大鬼常在左右,一失人身,萬劫難復!

那菩薩道的飲食觀是什麼呢?在《大方廣佛華嚴經》 佛陀開示著:「一個具有菩薩種性的人,很自然的就會顯現出本具仁慈的心性,會喜好於有智慧、善法的布施。」所以菩薩種性的人,如果得到美味的食物,他不會自己一個人獨自享受,一定會分享給大家,然後才食用;凡是有接受到任何的物品,也會想著要分享給別人。菩薩在飲食的時候,他會依著這樣的心念:「我的身體中有八萬戶蟲依於我住,我的身體能夠得到充分飲食的樂受,牠們也能夠得到充分飲食的樂受;我的身體如果落於飢餓的苦受,牠們也會落於飢餓的苦受。我今天受用這些飲食,但願眾生都能夠得到飽滿。」菩薩的心中是為了布施這八萬戶蟲,所以受用飲食,不會貪戀飲食的美味。菩薩又會依著這樣的心念:「我因為無明的覆藏,一世又一世如同處在長久的黑夜當中,愛樂著這個五蘊身,每天都要讓這個身體能夠得到充分飽滿的欲望來受用飲食;今天我把這些食來惠施眾生,但願我能夠對這個身體斷除貪著的心念。」由 佛陀的開示我們可以看到,一個菩薩行者他在飲食時,也是安於自身的內觀,依於解脫道、菩薩道的願力和護念眾生的意行,來為身行以及口行的造作

菩薩的食觀只有這樣嗎?不!還有更深細的。《阿含經》中就記錄著:「有一次,給孤獨長者去禮拜 佛陀,佛陀問:「長者啊!你在家中一直在布施貧困的人嗎?」給孤獨長者回答:「是!世尊!我一直在城中四處廣行布施貧困,也在家中布施給貧苦、一切來求的人。世尊!我經常念想著,要布施給野獸、飛鳥、豬、狗等動物,不會起這個要給多少、那個要給多少、這個該給、那個不該給這樣的心念。因為我一直有這樣的念想:『一切的眾生都因為有食才能存命,有食就有命、無食就喪命。』」佛陀就說:「善哉!善哉!」也就是讚歎給孤獨長者說:「你這樣的想法和這樣的行為,是安穩能夠順應著菩薩道白淨的善法。」佛陀接著說:「長者!你能夠依於菩薩心,專精一意而行廣大的惠施——眾生因為食而得到安止、調順,沒有食就喪失生命。長者!你能夠得到大果,在現象界能夠有大名稱、大福報、名聞十方,在實相界也能夠得到增上佛菩提道的甘露法味。為什麼這樣說呢?因為菩薩之處,就是一直以平等心來惠施,專精一意念著一切眾生等類由食而存,沒有食就失去依止,沒有食就喪失生命。就是這樣啊!長者!這就是菩薩心所安處而能行廣大的惠施。」


所以慈悲的 佛陀明確地開示:「一切衆生皆依食住——這個食就是識食,一切有情皆依食住,如果離開了第八識異熟識,一切有情的四食都不能成就。」一如央掘魔羅尊者所說:「一切眾生的生命,皆由各種飲食所以能夠安止。」這是聲聞人的觀察跟體會,這不是菩薩的觀察與體會。大乘菩薩看到眾生的生命能夠得到安住,只有一種食,而且是常、恆、性如金剛不變異。為什麼說只有一種呢?因為一切眾生皆依如來藏才能畢竟恆久安住,這就是大乘菩薩的食觀。有關四食,平實導師在《阿含正義》中有非常詳盡地開示,歡迎你能夠請回去閱讀。


[息惡法則一 修念佛心增長悲慧] ─ 三乘菩提菩薩正行第126集



息惡法則一  修念佛心增長悲慧





甘願做菩薩 (連載二十二) - 剎那轉化不善種子

不過呢,話又說回來,你要建立那麼多的堅固的菩薩種性和作意,不是很容易的事情,這要許多的甘願才行。你要像如來藏這樣,祂就是甘願作這樣守護你的角色,不會想要出頭。所以呢,單是從如來藏的這一個體性出發,你就能改變你的種性,更何況是說,你如理思維,就能改變更多。總之,你要想啦,你現在所看到的眾生,他們活不過一百歲,他們不管再怎麼樣,再怎麼樣,都活不過一百歲,他們所擁有的美好,被死神迎面一戳,就結束了。可是,你的美好並不是建立在這個身上的,不是建立在這三界有的身上的;你的美好, 佛陀都給你打包票了,你會成佛。所以不管上一次,你是如何沮喪,別人怎麼冤枉你呀,不管你是多麼地憤恨不平、怨天尤人、心裏很擔憂或如何如何,雖然是你還會這樣,於自己於眾生,而受種種的境界困擾,而產生許多不如理作意的心行;可是你要這樣想, 佛陀會照顧你,因為經典處處在在都跟你說,你絕對會成佛!所以你有什麼好去怨歎別人的呢?你有什麼好去顧影自憐的呢?




甘願做菩薩(連載二十三) - 甘願邁向佛道

換句話說,這是自己對自己的抉擇,這佛道是自己甘願的,如果你夾雜著一個不情願的念頭,在這第一大阿僧祇劫的過程中,你還是要與這時所種下的「不情願」的念頭來對抗,那可能是一件你今生會發生的事情,也可能讓你未來的輩子很難釋懷,給你帶來心境上面的死結,給你帶來你作意上的衝突,可是你的未來輩子永遠不曉得為什麼修道這麼困難,而這個源頭就是每一輩子都輕忽放過的「不甘願」。你可能又說,我已經是這樣努力修行了,那為什麼別人都可以得到很好的東西,或者說這世界給予他那麼好的結果,但我們都沒有?那你如果是這樣想,就要回憶起來, 佛陀都已經替你準備好。如果說,你是想要往生極樂世界, 佛陀已經替你準備好,已經替你準備好你的蓮花座啦,乃至於有的人已經準備好金剛座給他了,只要呢,你在這個佛道上繼續地用功,它會成形的,它會真正成就的, 如來沒有虧待你啊!所以這樣來思維,到底是 佛的恩典比較好,還是跟眾生一起混吃等死好?這是很明確的,你所依仗於此世間的──知識、財力或什麼,都比別人強嗎?就算是都比別人強, 佛陀也不要這個,如果說這些財富知識比別人強而能夠怎麼樣,對你會有幫助, 佛陀早就給你了,不用你開口,絕對不需要你開口,就會給你了。可是, 佛陀就是不要你這樣,所以我們才不會變成世界上的大富大貴的人,也不要世間的智慧、聰明才智,有那種機緣的人,因為那樣只會讓我們初學者更加地墮落,不會讓我們增長智慧!因此你要信受, 佛陀自有安排。

所以呢, 佛陀對我們已經太好了。因為呢,我們的福德和功德,一切,我們都可以請佛陀為我們安排,這樣是最好的,不要像世間人一樣忙忙碌碌而自以為是,以為是自己多麼的努力而才得到功德或怎麼樣。你不需要如此想,你不需要在這種事情作主,你只要去付出,「對眾生付出」的這種事,你要懂得作主,你要教導你自己、要叮嚀你自己,千萬不要懈怠,要有具備像是如來藏的這種情懷就好了。你做的越多,你的如來藏會記得你作過,然後所有的 如來也會記得你,然後呢,眾生的如來藏也會記得你。這樣不是很好嗎?就是呢,大家都記得!那不該記得的那些人沒有因緣,他們統統不會記得。所以,世間人希望記得的,都是那些過後輩子不會記得的東西,想要別人的意識心記得你,有沒有用?100年後,大家的意識心都死光光,根本統統不記得,都要靠人轉述,所以不要憧憬說這你作過的歷史上會留名,你到時候已經死了,下輩子意識心自己在哪裡都糊里糊塗了,所以前輩子的世間風光有何用處?只有佛法中的佛事,這些利益眾生的事,才是大事啊,這即使一切眾生都不曉得,又有什麼關係啊,這是我們自己成就佛道的資糧,我們成就般若大道來乘載眾生的法道啊,所以有緣的眾生將會追隨我們的腳步過來,即使是一個兩個,我們還是要努力啊!而世間的風光永遠是凡夫的事情啦!(待續)




譬如工畫師, 分布諸彩色,
 虛妄取異相, 大種無差別。

 大種中無色, 色中無大種,
 亦不離大種, 而有色可得。
 心中無彩畫, 彩畫中無心,
 然不離於心, 有彩畫可得。
 彼心恒不住, 無量難思議,
 示現一切色, 各各不相知。
 譬如工畫師, 不能知自心,
 而由心故畫, 諸法性如是。

 心如工畫師, 能畫諸世間,
 五蘊悉從生, 無法而不造。

 如心佛亦爾, 如佛眾生然,
 應知佛與心, 體性皆無盡。
 若人知心行, 普造諸世間,
 是人則見佛, 了佛真實性。
 心不住於身, 身亦不住心,
 而能作佛事, 自在未曾有。
 若人欲了知, 三世一切佛,
 應觀法界性, 一切唯心造。


生活中的佛法 ~讀人讀己

會把好的文章和一些 導師書中的段落三不五時的拿來反覆溫習,



生活中的佛法 ~讀人讀己(上)──膚淺的我







且看兩則買水果與吃水果的故事: 某天,要前往佛寺幫病重的家人做懺悔佛事,心裏計劃著要幫家人供佛植福,在路途中就順路的買些水果,這家水果店開的瞞大的,但是生意並不太興隆,買了幾樣水果後,就跟老板很世俗的要人情的說:「買了這麼多,嘛優待一下!」老板聽了之後,將拿在手裏稱的多出來的龍眼,分送了一些,並將較多的那一半收了回去。





生活中的佛法 ~讀人讀己(下)──反轉命運


常常提醒自己眼見都不足為憑,因為我們没有他心通,常常不知別人內心的真正想法,所以一直約束自己動靜時中要憶念 佛菩薩的種種無私無我處處為人著想的不可思議功德,不要隨便亂起心動念,但是習氣來了,總是控制不了,怪不得大乘佛法中說習氣種子的斷盡是要到 佛地才能究竟斷盡,是要到修了近三大阿僧袛劫難以計數的時間,在歷緣對境中歷經千錘百鍊來究竟斷盡的,唯有 佛陀一人究竟做到習氣的永斷無餘再也没有一絲一毫的染污了,所以我們都要至心頂禮身、口、意絕對清淨無染無我的 佛陀,在諸佛心中唯有一心一意慈、悲、喜、捨救度眾生的佛事而已,絕對不摻雜其他不淨意念。


還好如今遇到的佛法,可以讓我放捨以前「如石壓草」的壓抑修法,漸漸可以看到小許潛意識我的真實面目,終究發現如此雜染的自己,何有眼目再處處訶責別人。然而相信很多時候,我仍是無法讀到潛意識我垢穢的自己呢?!因為我的定慧與諸大菩薩比較起來還是淺薄的可憐呢!故而真的非常感謝 佛菩薩仍不嫌棄垢穢的我,還一直不捨我教誨我,此恩此德真是難以為報啊!



世俗上與人相處之道是不離佛法中所說的「四攝法」──「佈施、愛語、利行、同事」,然而除此之外,在佛法中生命品質提昇的當務之急,是以親證生命實相為基準的,在漫長的生命旅程中,就算已經證得生命實相,找到了衪,也只是無邊生命的起修而已,那只是修學的基礎而已,因為自家倉庫中塵埃累累,相較於諸佛菩薩的清淨莊嚴以及證得一切種智的功德,只能在汗顏中努力鞭策自己不負 佛恩、師恩,學習以廣大心量無所不包攝入浩瀚佛法中熏習學習。






菩薩這樣現前觀察時,不可以對眾生起愛見大悲;可以有悲,但不可以加上愛見。怎麼是愛見大悲?是因為對眾生有貪著,那就成為愛見大悲了。如果你悟了以後,發願說:「這裡的眾生太可憐了,我絕對不離開這裡,我要永遠在這裡度他們。」這也是愛見大悲,與愛見相應了。所以你應該學我, 佛如果說:「你現在要捨報了,七天後我帶你到另外一個世界去度眾生。」你要當場答應,不可以說:「這些眾生跟我有緣,這些眾生好可憐。」那也是愛見大悲,因為你對這裡的眾生有了眷屬感:「這些是我度的,我好不容易度了多少人悟了,為什麼要離開他們呢?」那就是眷屬欲了。

那你如果說:「沒有啊!我不但想要繼續利樂這些已被我度的人,那些還沒有被我度的人,我也要度。」但問題是,你為什麼一定要堅持說「我就是要度這個地球的人」?難道別的星球眾生你不願意度呀!不可以因為說:「那些眾生過去世都沒有跟我結過緣,我不想度他們。」那你就是有愛見大悲了,所以如果有人說:「這個世界的眾生跟我有緣,我要一直度他們,我捨不了他們。」當然就是愛見大悲,這個也要捨離。所以到了捨壽時, 佛提前來告訴你:「你接下來要往生去某世界。」你就要馬上答應,不然你就是沒有離開愛見大悲。

不過你如果離不開,我仍然不怪你,因為你一直願意留在三賢位中,我也無可奈何,當然不能怪你。但是應該要有大心,要把眼界拉高一點,不要老是從三賢位的層次去看。所以一切都沒有關係, 佛交代如何,你就如何,不要固執己見而向 佛講理由:「這裡的眾生好可憐。」 佛叫你去別的世界,一定有祂的道理,你就隨著佛告訴你的去做,你的眼界與證量就可以拉高,不必一定說:「我好不容易才把正法在這裡延續起來,接著就要走了,都還沒有驗收成果來喜樂一下。」只要能利樂眾生,去哪裡都一樣,不必一定執著說:「這裡的眾生是我的徒弟,我下一輩子還要來當他們的師父。」那就是有我在作祟了,這就是愛見大悲。

有了愛見大悲,得要趕快捨離,因為菩薩應該斷除客塵煩惱而起大悲。關於客塵煩惱,第一種是對內的,是我見、內我所與我執;第二種是外我所的執著,都是客塵。客塵的煩惱斷了以後,生起大悲心,對於一般的我所都不執著,卻又對於眾生起了執著。這個愛見大悲如果生起了以後,在生死上面就有了疲倦厭惡之心......。如果能夠離此愛見之心而無有疲厭,在在所生當然不為愛見之所覆也。所以大家都應該離開愛見大悲,對什麼環境、什麼待遇都無所謂,只要能利樂眾生、攝受眾生來攝取佛土,何必起愛而執著?佛交代了,你就去做;下輩子要去哪裡度眾也都沒意見,不必一定要在這個地球上;娑婆世界還有很多星球,不然也有他方世界,因為 釋迦世尊並不是只有在這個娑婆世界度眾而已......。












因為,就大乘佛法來說,花了一大阿僧衹劫的時間,修到二地菩薩才能真正持戒清淨,我們現在都尚處於學戒階段,離『地上菩薩』果位仍非常遙遠,所以不要『如石壓草』般地強制壓抑慾望以『自苦其身』,要讓修行修得快樂,倒是順其自然就好,因為在修行的初期來說,只是純粹想吃東西,並沒有觸犯到別人,談不到犯下什麼大戒,這點 佛陀在《佛說決定毘尼經》卷1中有開示:『優波離!如來先說欲難捨離為小犯,瞋易得離名為大犯。優波離!所有諸結犯小難離,大乘之人應當忍受。所有諸結犯大易離,大乘之人乃至夢中不應忍受。以是義故,大乘之人因欲犯者,我說是人不名為犯。』



「我已經在我的共修團體上課十年了,經常聽到老師跟我們提到:『要如何修行,菩薩道才能走得持久快樂。』 曾經聽到老師如是舉例:『若家裡的人煮了好吃的食物,有好吃的就隨緣吃,心裡也不要想:吃了好吃的東西,就被好吃的東西繫縛著,影響了我的修行道業。也就是說,不要害怕『樂』會障道而拒絕人家給您好吃的美食;然後吃完後,還要感謝讚歎家人煮的這麼美味的食物,這樣人家下次還會很高興地煮美食給我們享用。可是在自己享用完美食後就不要有任何的追憶與眷戀,食畢就放下,不要再掛念了」 「 佛陀曾說:調琴的弦,要鬆緊適中,才能彈出美妙動人的音樂。修行菩薩道,就像彈琴一樣,過度的放逸追求享樂必然會影響道業;而刻意自苦其身,使自己形同枯槁,完全沒有生氣,這一生就無法輕鬆地修菩薩道了,就會像阿羅漢一樣了無生趣,最後就會入無餘涅槃去了,從此沒有了色身,當然無法行菩薩道利益眾生,也就無法成佛了!所以修學佛法是要在不苦不樂之中去行菩薩道,捨離厭惡生死的灰身泯智行,培養利益眾生的菩薩行誼,如此才能不厭倦生死而生生世世發願受生行菩薩道,也才能走完三大阿僧袛劫難行能行、難忍能忍的成佛之道。

「記得您上次介紹我看『三乘菩提學佛釋疑』的電視弘法節目,在『第2集 學佛是否需要捨離一切的欲望?』中提到:





「您這麼一問,讓我回想起以前曾因為缺乏佛法正確知見而質問過目前我正參學道場的同修:『佛教界都教導學人:只要斷貪、瞋、痴,就是放下煩惱,也就是自在解脫了!就只有你們標新立異地說這樣還沒有解脫,為什麼老是要跟佛教界唱反調,徒惹爭端,說什麼所有大師都說錯了本心!?』 我所獲得的回答是:『多數的學佛人都被誤導,以為斷貪、瞋、痴三毒就是斷生死煩惱了!然而對於佛法修行來說,離了貪、瞋、痴還是無法解脫、無法出離生死的,只是修養心性而已; 而要解脫的正確知見是不認取能分別萬事萬物的意識心為真實、永恒、常住的,如果能建立這樣的正確觀念,就是斷我見,就有初分的解脫功德;至於要如何滿證解脫果,會裡面有一本小冊子:《如何修證解脫道》,可以參考。但這還只是聲聞、緣覺二乘法的方便修,非是實義修,實非真正解脫道之正義,而真正解脫道的正義者(敬請參閱 平實導師著作《阿含正義(一)》頁134),必須探究萬法的根源,包含生從何處來、死從何處去的生命實相,這是不共二乘的大乘了義佛法所攝,是從探求包含生死之所從來之宇宙萬法的根源處下手,這個出生萬法的實相,它是不假修行就是解脫的、它是不著世間如蓮華的出污泥而不染、它是在生死的當下就是解脫的。」

「謝謝您的解釋與分享,原來離貪還不能解脫,總算讓我對無上甚深微妙的佛法有一點初步的了解。願我能早日揭開 『生從何處來、死往何處去』、『在生死的當下就是解脫』的神秘面紗!」



甘願做菩薩(連載二) -「我」的人生順位何在?

那以這樣角度來看,我們需要做什麼嗎?以你個人來說,你真的不用為自己做什麼。這個意思是說:如果你現在要取世間的東西,你要開始懂得把順位調整,以前你總是把自己排在第一,那你就從現在開始慢慢地調整為第二或第三或第四;當你要做什麼之前,你要先觀察,這個東西是不是眾生需要的?你要開始考慮將這世間物品先讓給他們,因為這世間法是他們要的,不是你真正需要的;這些世間法是他們所熱愛的,可是卻是 佛陀所指責的。那你在這個學佛的歷程中,是希望 佛陀來稱讚你,還是希望 佛陀看到你這麼喜愛而指責你呢?但是很明顯的,佛陀說這些東西都是不可愛樂的。然而眾生在這個階段就是很喜歡,所以你要容忍眾生,不要和他們去爭奪、去搶,你有更遠大的目標需要去成就。但如果你渴求的念頭還是很強烈,沒辦法斷除時,沒關係!但是當你伸手去取你所要的東西的時候,無論如何,要先看、要先想,其他眾生有沒有需要這東西的?要去思維,讓自己的渴望、貪慾慢慢地降低。雖然自己很想要,但比起其他的人來說,其他人可能更想要,所以我的順位可以排後面一點,我取用的時間點可以挪到後面一點,我取用的物品可以比世間法的衡量標準差一點。





甘願做菩薩(連載三) - 無我的真我


這個課題告訴我們,當我們還是存在於人間的時候,當我們還是擁有世間法的時候,當我們還是有五蘊假我的時候,我們該怎樣去以佛法的無我觀,來繼續活在這世間?因此菩薩就會以如來藏服務這假我的精神和體性,來轉而服務一切有緣的有情!一切有情雖是假,可是他還是受苦啊!因此我們不忍心,在我們能力之內,就是於此世間,來作種種利益眾生的事業而漸次修學、得到 佛的智慧。




甘願做菩薩(連載四) - 無所得的得

當如來藏運作時,你可以觀察一切眾生他的如來藏所含藏的種子的生起。種子怎麼因為這個緣而生起這種種的世間法呢?就像世間人所說的,如來藏擁有什麼樣的出生的能力?可是這些能力的出生是有其時機因緣與條件的。有的時候,這些能力沒辦法顯現,例如有人說有神通,可是你叫他哪一天,哪一個時節,怎麼做,他也做不出來。可是 佛菩薩所產生的智慧不是這樣的,所引生的三昧境地也不是這樣的,在任何時間、任何境地、任何時空點,祂都能顯現,只要不違背因果,祂就可以顯現,所以如來藏的功德藏是超過一切諸法,祂真的是可以出生一切諸法。


因為你沒有轉依如來藏的這些體性,你還是會失去的。可是如果你現在還在往轉依的路上走,那這種「得」還是距離你很遙遠,「證悟」的本身是要包含這些的,因此說有「證悟」還是客氣的說法。因為證悟的人都知道一點,下輩子因為你還沒有離開胎昧,你還是要重新再來,如果說再來到這個世界,你又恢復沒有開悟的樣子,形同凡夫,新的意識心根本連佛法是什麼都不知道,何況是佛法中所謂的「開悟」呢?絕對不可能因為你累積了多少福德功德,救護了多少眾生,下輩子生出來,就會開悟,沒有這回事!即使是 導師也是40多歲開始學 佛以後,才有這個因緣,他經過18個月的苦參,苦參是非常辛苦、日子是非常難過的——那時你已經在功夫內不是在功夫外,在功夫內的話就知道一定是這個東西,一定有個答案;可是你也沒辦法退回去。當你走進行門在功夫內的時候,你就知道,這個方法是對的,可是什麼時候可以開悟?不知道!那是不是很痛苦?因為你不會想再走回凡夫,你也知道世間的善知識不一定可以依止,你只能夠憑著對佛法、對三寶的信念走下去。當你沒有要往生一個淨土的時候,你雖然是證悟了,或者你知道密意等等,可是你決定繼續來這個世間流轉,那你到底是憑藉著什麼?是憑藉著對善知識的信念,憑藉著對三寶的信念。但不能告訴你說:你下輩子會證悟。沒有!這沒有打包票的。(待續)



甘願做菩薩(連載五) - 轉依清淨平等性

轉依清淨平等性因為證悟不證悟,它是督促一件事情:你到底是不是菩薩?所以歸結回來,就是說菩薩種性很特殊,就是說證悟菩薩最後會不斷的轉依到如來藏、轉依到如來藏的體性上去;而生生世世無量輩子的熏習和實證這個心體,會讓他的末那意根所要如來藏含藏的種子慢慢地轉變,漸漸地妄心也出離這種種的虛妄想。像這樣,每一輩子對於這世間的貪染都有深刻的認識,對於污染法都有想要克制的作意,這樣無量劫的修持,就會漸漸地達到你轉依這實相心的目的,這樣最後你就可以任運而為。 如來藏不會像我們一直反觀自己是否存在,因為這一切我們所知道的都是虛假的,祂不會想要怎樣。如來藏不會生起這個念頭,不會去反觀、作意,然後思維有一個存在的「我」要做什麼?從來沒有,祂也永遠不會有。祂什麼時候才會有念頭?那個有,你也沒辦法想像,那是佛地的境界,那不是我們所能夠了解的法界實際——「常樂我淨」的境地。





A Sincere Voice from The New York Times -- “Revealing the Fault of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism”

(By the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei)
The New York Times, with its international circulation and having long been regarded as a newspaper of credibility and authority, made a notable report together with a magnificent large-format photo, entitled “Yoga Sex Scandals: No Surprise Here” on March 13, 2012 (The translated Chinese version was published in the United Daily News in Taiwan on 14th of March.) The report detailed accusations of John Friend’s sexual impropriety with female students; John Friend is the founder of Anusara yoga style. After looking into the subject of “Why does yoga produce so many philanderers?” the columnist concludes, “One factor is ignorance. Yoga teachers and how-to books seldom mention that the discipline began as a sex cult. Hatha yoga — the parent of the styles now practiced worldwide — began as a branch of Tantra. In medieval India, the rites of Tantric cults could also include group and individual sex. Hatha used poses, deep breathing and stimulating acts — including intercourse — to hasten rapturous bliss.


Zhang Gongpu, Chairman of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation remarks that The New York Times’ analysis indeed gives a profound insight. In the case of “Hatha Yoga,” for instance, in Sanskrit “Ha” refers to the sun, and “tha” refers to the moon; the compound word “Hatha” simply represents an idea of “union of yin and yang,” or joining of the sun and the moon.

The “Tantric yoga,” which originated in 1955 and has since become popular in recent decades, inherited the same Tantric ideas and the famous Couple-Practice Tantra of copulation as well. For example, in June 2006, Chien Shan-Chi, Associate Professor of Department of Sculpture at National Taiwan University of Art, aged 43, presided over two symposiums on how ancient India Tantric Yoga (Tantra Yoga) enhances sex performance and prolongs orgasm, in Taipei and Kaohsiung cities. During the symposiums, the male and female gurus were dressed in bodysuit, intimately demonstrating the posture of “union of the sun and the moon.” The so-called “union of the sun and the moon” means the male vajra (penis) must be placed inside the female lotus (vagina). At that time, such a striking and appalling demonstration resulted in a public outcry.

Chairman Zhang points out that this training method of “Tantric Yoga” can trace its origin back to the ancient India tantra, and Tantric Buddhism is precisely a non-Buddhist cult influenced by Hindu Shaktism. In the mid-eighth century (roughly during the reign of Emperor Daizong of Tang Dynasty in China), the Tibetan emperor Trisong Detsän invited Indian teacher Padmasambhava to Tibet to propagate the Hindu Tantric Buddhism, which is referred to as the “Left-Hand Path of Tantra” in the ancient texts; thus, this period is called the "Old Transmission Period” by the Tibetans; as a result, the Nyingma began to appear in the Tibetan plateau, and it is commonly known as the Red Hat Sect, which is primarily based on the teachings of Padmasambhava, the Left-Hand Path of Tantra.

During the “New Transmission Period,” Atisha visited Tibet and reintroduced the Left-Hand Path of Tantra, together with the erroneous view of Prasangika Madhyamika; thereafter, the Kadampa was founded. The Left-Hand Path of Tantra belongs to a filthy cult that has nothing to do with Mahayana Buddhism at all, but Atisha cunningly coated its promiscuous Tantric doctrines with Buddhist terminology; subsequently, Tibetan Tantrism uncritically became a branch of Buddhism. In fact, it is a useless religious belief unique to Tibetans– Lamaism, which is what they shamelessly call the Highest Yoga Tantra of Tibetan “Buddhism” today.

Thus, whether it is called “Tibetan Tantrism,” “Lamaism,” “Tibetan Buddhism,” or other different names of “Yoga” such as the Highest Yoga Tantra of Tibetan Tantrism, to be blunt, they are all about sex.

Just like in the aforesaid Tantric Yoga symposiums, a practitioner honestly replied to questions by journalists, “Eventually, we will of course reach the sex part.

Journalist: “In plain words, it is about the union of sex organs, right?

The practitioner admitted: “It is about sex, the sex part.


The special article of The New York Times states: “Science has begun to clarify the inner mechanisms. In Russia and India, scientists have measured sharp rises in testosterone. Czech scientists have shown how poses can result in bursts of brainwaves indistinguishable from those of lovers. More recently, scientists at the University of British Columbia have documented how fast breathing — done in many yoga classes — can increase blood flow through the genitals.

This quote gives the clues why in the first three of the four empowerment stages of the Highest Yoga Tantra in Tibetan “Buddhism,” a Tantric practitioner is not yet involved in the actual couple-practice of copulation, but still needs to exercise various preparatory expedients of practice like yoga poses, Chi practice, etc., which all originated from the same source as the Hatha Yoga system; together with other absurd visualization practices of bright drop (bindu), Chi channels, and so on, such as the “Six Yogas of Naropa” propagated by Tibetan Kagyu Sect and different Chi practices and hand-seal of other sects, all aim to prolong sexual intercourse without semen emission through the so-called “inner heat” practice. This fact has proved that Tibetan Tantric Buddhists entirely focus on sexual pleasure, attempting to enhance their sex power to prolong sexual enjoyment. Every tantric practitioner is well trained, “ready to fight,” and “eager” to perform the actual Couple-Practice Tantra of copulation.

The New York Times assumes that if yoga can arouse everyday practitioners, it apparently has similar, if not greater, effects on “gurus.” Chairman Zhang indicates that those research findings can help explain why so many guru (lama) masters of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism are involved in sex scandals. No wonder wherever Tibetan Tantrism prevails, there are “philandering gurus,” and it is no surprise to have non-stop media coverage on pertinent cases of sexual abuse.

The quoted article also lists many yoga masters of different generations or schools, including the Yoga superstars Swami Satchidananda (1914-2002), Swami Rama (1925-96), and Swami Muktananda (1908-82) who had thousands of devotees. Those yogis were all publicly accused of committing sexual abuse and harassment, charged for being serial philanderers, or directly prosecuted for committing sexual assaults, and were liable to pay compensations after guilty verdicts.

Those “yoga masters” are actually, if not surprisingly, sexual offenders and end up with loss of their standing, reputation, and credibility. Regrettably, the truth only makes their worshippers more prone to shock and distress. Chairman Zhang points out that those yoga masters and Tantric gurus (lamas) received the same teachings from Tantra, and therefore, their bodily, verbal, and mental behaviors show the same style.

Those “Honorable” guru masters (lamas) all claimed to be officially certified “living Buddhas” or even “dharma kings”; with the resounding title and fame, they are surrounded by tens of thousands of enthusiastic followers as if they were model teachers in the human and heavenly realms. But behind the façade, they are immoral philanderers, repeatedly sexually abusing their female followers. Once their disgraceful behavior is exposed, they just hide themselves from the general public, quickly flee Taiwan leaving a sexual Rashomon behind, or are finally put into jail because of breaking the law. On the other hand, lamas do have their predicaments due to their “firm belief” in the “Couple- Practice Yoga,” so they, just like a preset clockwork, have to meet their need for orgasm and even to sexually abuse females.

The quoted article of The New York Times finally concludes and suggests, “But perhaps if students and teachers knew more about what Hatha was designed to do, they would be less prone to surprise and unyogalike distress.” Chairman Zhang reminds that having gone through modifications and developments for over hundreds and thousand of years, the Tantric yogis had already devised many intricate steps in a full-scale aspect including “body, mind, spirit, sentiment and intention,” in which there seems some pure choices to make. However, regardless of whether they pretend to practice “calm mediation” or play with the rhythm of the “poses,” whether under the guise of “spiritual unfolding” or the cloak of “religion,” whichever is the case, as long as they follow the copulation tradition of Tantric Couple-Practice, “their methods of practice are all wrong and leading to sex” because all those practices belong to the scope of Tantra.

The Nyingma (the red Sect), Gelug (the yellow Sect), Sakya (the tri-color Sect), and Kagyu (the white Sect) traditions all adhere to the teachings of Tibetan Lamaism, which claims to be Tibetan “Buddhism,” namely to have daily sexual practice with female followers on the Dual Operations of Bliss and Emptiness to seek the state of sexual pleasure. These secret practices are the prime reason that Tibetan Tantrism claims to be “Esoteric School,” since all such “secret doctrines” are not to be disclosed to outsiders.

Chairman Zhang points out seriously that in recent years, the True Enlightenment Education Foundation has made every effort to inform the general public so that they will recognize “the true face of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism and its Highest Yoga Tantra” and will fully understand that Tibetan Tantric Buddhism has inherited the pleasure-seeking tradition of sexual Hindu Tantra, which is NOT true Buddhism. Instead, it is under the guise of Buddhism, and many Buddhists, having been hypnotized over a long period of time, are slowly taking this fake Buddhism as a true Buddhist religion.

All practice methods and measures (expedients) propagated by the four sects of Tibetan Tantrism have a hidden seduction that lures followers into the Highest Yoga Tantra of the couple copulation. It is by all means the Foundation’s intention to make the truth known to the public, so “they would not run counter to their original intent of Buddhist cultivation and be less prone to surprise and anguish distress.”

The Foundation’s foresight and commitment correspond to those of the special article of The New York Times; the Eastern and Western viewpoints find an echo in each other. Despite their multifarious lineages and confusing Buddhist terms offered by Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, once having learnt of its true colors of “actual practice in sexual union” and that “every tantric dharma–gate leads to hell,” the public will not have any shock or disappointment after learning Lamaism. This article of The New York Times is indeed a sincere voice which could be taken in line with the rectification ongoing in Taiwan. (Reported by the Interviewing Team)

Editor’s Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on April 7, 2012.

Reference Source: http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/trueheart_en/35


The Secret Sexual Consort of a Tibetan Buddhist Lama—the first Kalu Rinpoche

(By the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei) Zhang Gongpu, Chairman of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation, points out that, in light of the sex scandals committed by Lama Ole Nydahl in Europe and Sogyal Rinpoche in the U.S., it is clearly seen that the sexual assault cases by lamas are not isolated incidents. The key tenet of Tibetan “Buddhism” states that lamas or gurus must assiduously practice the Sexual Tantra. For example, the Dalai Lama says:

Hence, there are modes of practice of the fundamental mind according to (1) the interpretation of the Guhyasamaja Tantra by the New Translation Schools, (2) the Kalachakra doctrine of emptiness form and so forth, (3) the Great Perfection doctrine of Nying-Madhyama-Agama. According to the New Translation Schools, at a certain high point in the practice of Secret Mantra, the mantrika engages in special practices such as making use of a sexual partner, hunting animals, and so forth. Though it is easy to explain the purpose of employing a partner as a means of bringing desire to the path and inducing subtler consciousnesses realizing emptiness…(The XIV Dalai Lama, Kindness, Clarity, & Insight, Snow Lion Publications, 1988, p. 219-220.)

To make use of sexual partners (consort, “Buddha” mother, or dakini) to practice Tantric sex is a necessary condition in Tibetan Tantrism. This sexual practice can never be excluded or neglected because it is the essential core of Tibetan “Buddhism” or Vajrayana. Once the female adherents are lured into this practice, they are sexually exploited and treated as sex slaves. An article from The Independent of the UK on February 10, 1999, entitled I was a Tantric Sex Slave, talks about a typical case in Europe. The reporter interviewed Miss June Campbell, a Scottish religious philosopher. She revealed that she had for years been the secret sexual consort of a senior Tibetan lama, Kalu Rinpoche. This article describes in detail the practice of Tantric sex in Lamaism (Tibetan Tantric Buddhism). The words, “dakini, consort or ‘Buddha’ mother” are poetic terms for a woman used by a lama for sex to practice the so-called Dual Operations of Bliss and Emptiness, or the clear light of bliss. Sadly enough, these females were beguiled into becoming sex slaves by tantric lamas. Through these reports, readers can gain more insights into the true essence of Tibetan Tantric practice--the Couple-Practice Tantra.

This article reported:

For years June Campbell was the ‘consort’ of a senior Tibetan Buddhist monk. She was threatened with death if she broke her vow of secrecy. (Retrieved from

Regarding this particular subject, Chairman Zhang explains that Tantric lamas or gurus would coerce their female adherents into silence through the Samaya Precepts, the vows of secrecy. These females were intimidated into silence by telling them that dire consequences, such as going to hell or being killed by the lama’s spell, would happen to them if they broke the Samaya Precepts. Unfortunately, female adherents in such an awful predicament are common. The True Enlightenment Education Foundation has indeed received anonymous phone calls from female victims who were sexually abused by lamas and threatened to keep silent.

Campbell also mentioned in the interview:

The psychological pressure is often increased by making the woman (dakini) swear vows of secrecy. In addition, June Campbell was told that "madness, trouble or even death" could follow if she did not keep silent. "I was told that in a previous life the lama (Kalu Rinpoche) I was involved with had had a mistress who caused him some trouble, and in order to get rid of her he cast a spell which caused her illness, later resulting in her death.

The quote shows Tibetan tantric lamas use unverifiable lies to threaten their "sex slaves." For fear of being hurt, many of these females have no choice but to submit themselves to the licentious lamas and endure the role of a "sex slave.”

Again, the interview reported:

What happened was that, having become a Buddhist in her native Scotland in the hippie Sixties, she travelled to India where she became a nun. She spent 10 years in a Tibetan monastery and penetrated more deeply than any other Westerner into the faith's esoteric hierarchy. Eventually she became personal translator to the guru as, during the Seventies, he travelled through Europe and America. It was after that, she said, that "he requested that I become his sexual consort and take part in secret activities with him". Only one other person knew of the relationship - a second monk - with whom she took part in what she described as a polyandrous Tibetan-style relationship. "It was some years before I realised that the extent to which I had been taken advantage of constituted a kind of abuse.

Chairman Zhang remarks that Miss June Campbell finally realized some years later that she had been abused and exploited by lamas. However, nowadays in Tibetan Tantrism, there are still many others who are seduced and sexually abused but are unable to extricate themselves from the idolatry trap.

In reality, whether the people are having group sex with one woman, or one man, it is just worldly group sex (or worse, gang rape) and can never be regarded as a Buddhist practice. But the “Most Honorable” Tsongkhapa, a patriarch of the Gelug lineage of Tibetan "Buddhism," gives this sort of teaching in his book:

The last secret empowerment, which is transmitted to enable the disciple to expound the sutras, means the teacher and the nine female consorts aged from 12 to 20, attain the state all together. The Vajra, possessing the seeds, is put into the mouth of his disciple; in this way, the empowerment is performed. It is the third empowerment, or the former stage, in which the teacher and a female consort receive the wondrous joy together; then, in the latter stage, the teacher attains the state together with the nine female consorts. The wondrous joys arise from them together. …(Tsongkhapa, Extended Treatise on the Progression of the Esoteric Path, translated into Chinese by dharma-master Fazun, Wondrous Favor Publishing Co., 1986, p. 399-400)

The lama teacher, the so-called living “Buddha,” needs to copulate with all nine sexual partners one by one; those sexual partners are called female consorts, aged from 12 to 20. They achieve orgasm of the fourth joy all together and contemplate the Union of Bliss and Emptiness; then, the lama teacher ejaculates semen into the vagina of each female consort and collects all the fluid mixtures. The mixture is called “nectar,” which is given to the disciples during the secret empowerment.

Chairman Zhang poses the question: why are so many female followers willing to take part in the Couple-Practice Tantra with lamas? The reason is well explained during the interview:

“Since the book was published, I've had letters from women all over the world with similar and worse experiences."

So why did she stay for almost three years? "Personal prestige. The women believe that they too are special and holy. They are entering sacred space. It produces good karma for future lives, and is a test of faith."

The combination of religion, sex, power and secrecy can have a potent effect. It creates the Catch 22 of psychological blackmail…

As shown above, women who are lured into practicing the Couple-Practice Tantra often give in to the temptation of power and desire. In addition, they consider the lama (guru) to be a holy living “Buddha" and imagine that they themselves would receive a prestigious position within the community once performing sexual union with the lama (guru). They are fooled by their own vanity. Their prestige is only temporary. Once a woman has aged or got STD, she become worthless and is treated like trash. Fortunately, Miss June Campbell discovered these facts in time, and started to question the sexual practice of Tibetan "Buddhism." For example, June Campbell remarked in the interview:

…how it relates to the fact that there are no female Buddha images, or to why in Tantric sex images the woman always has her back to the viewer, or to why Buddhist women are told to pray that they will be reborn into a male body in their next life - for only in a man's body can they attain full enlightenment.

"Once I started unravelling my experiences, I began to question everything," she said. That meant not just the actions of a particular guru, but the very idea of the guru. She began to wonder whether the Tantra was just a fantasy, and whether there is really any difference between Tantric sex and ordinary sex. She questioned the very concept of enlightenment itself and the practice of meditation. "I realised that in order to be myself I had to leave it all - completely and utterly.”

June Campbell’s experience of Tantric sex in Tibetan Buddhism accords with the fact that lamas or rinpoches simply love to achieve orgasm through sexual intercourse, which is no different from ordinary sex. However, the living “Buddhas” of Lamaism (Tibetan “Buddhism”) claim that their Tantric sex is a noble religious practice.

As the Dalai Lama explains in his book Mind of Clear Light: Advice on living well and dying consciously:

Through special techniques of concentration during orgasm competent practitioner can prolong very deep, subtle, and powerful states and put them to realize emptiness. However, if you engage in sexual intercourse within an ordinary mental context, there is no benefit. (The XIV Dalai Lama, translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins, Mind of Clear Light: Advice on living well and dying consciously, Atria Books, 2003, p.177)

However, the Dalai Lama’s statement about using prolonged orgasm to realize emptiness is erroneous because the so-called enlightenment in Tibetan “Buddhism” is to realize the state of clear light during the sexual couple-practice. In reality, such a state is still within the scope of the conscious mind, which is a dharma arising depending on conditions; the conscious mind will certainly disappear in a dreamless sleep or a coma. How can it be deemed as a state of enlightenment?

In contrast, the Tathagatagarbha realized in true enlightenment is an everlasting dharma and will never cease to exist at all times and places. One needs not to realize it through sexual enjoyment where no thoughts arise, as the tantric Buddhists do for their fake emptiness. As a matter of fact, even if one’s head is full of illusory thoughts, the emptiness-nature of his Tathagatagarbha is still eternally existing and clearly manifests itself; as the Sixth Patriarch described, “Without eliminating all kinds of thoughts, one attains Bodhi all the time.” The Tathagatagarbha can be experienced at any time or place; a truly enlightened person can clearly see that the Tathagatagarbha (the Alayavijnana) operates continuously in every individual’s body. How can enlightenment only be attained during sexual orgasm?

Chairman Zhang further indicates that it is rather rare to see such a brave and wise lady like June Campbell. As she published her book, Traveller in Space, to disclose the fact about the sexual practice of a prominent lama and the erroneous core doctrine of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, June Campbell was not only regarded as a wicked heretic but also reviled as a liar or a demon by others.

As stated in the book,

I was reviled as a liar or a demon. …”In that world he was a saintly figure. It was like claiming that Mother Theresa was involved in making porn movies.”

But it was not fear of the response which made her wait a full 18 years before publishing her revelations in a volume entitled Traveller in Space…It took her that long to get over the trauma of the experience.

“I spent 11years without talking about it and then, when I had decided to write about it, another seven years researching. I wanted to weave together my personal experience with a more theoretical understanding of the role of women in Tibetan society to help me make sense of what had happened to me.”

Finally, Chairman Zhang highly applauds Miss Campbell. Due to her great bravery, many female Buddhists who were sexually assaulted by lamas gain widespread support and the public can see through the true colors of Lamaism –Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. Furthermore, the True Enlightenment Education Foundation has been dedicating itself to saving all females and people from Lamaism, a cult cultivating the Couple-Practice Tantra. (Reported by the Interviewing Team)

Editor’s Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on
March 30, 2012.

Reference Source: http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/trueheart_en/32


Best-Selling Buddhist Author of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Accused of Sexual Abuse in the States

(By the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei) Chairman Zhang Gongpu of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation remarks that, in recent years, lamas (including many well-known ones) practicing copulation tantra are reported all over the world. In last report, we talked about Lama Ole Nydahl, who propagates tantric sex widely in Europe. Now, let's talk about the famous Lama Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. His female followers accused him of sexual abuse in the United States.

In the book The Sexual World of Lamas, an article reported by Don Lattin in the Free Press (San Francisco) on Nov. 10th, 1994 is quoted:

$10 million civil suit filed in Santa Cruz by a woman who says Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, "coerced" her into an intimate relationship

According to the lawsuit, an anonymous woman identified only as "Janice Doe" came to Rinpoche for spiritual guidance last year at a retreat sponsored by the Rigpa Fellowship meditation center in Santa Cruz, but was "coerced into an intimate relationship" with the Tibetan guru. (Retrieved from

Chairman Zhang explains that lamas, gurus or living “Buddhas" of Tibetan "Buddhism" always lure people into practicing the copulation tantra in the name of "spiritual guidance, benediction, empowerment, etc." For instance, according to the Dalai Lama, one must have physical sexual partners to attain great achievement. The Dalai Lama says:

In Guhyasamaja, in the section related to entering into union with a consort, it is said that if the consort is an action seal, a live consort, visualizing deities on her body becomes an actual body mandala practice. But if one is entering into union with a visualized consort, it does not.”(Dalai Lama XIV, The Union of Bliss and Emptiness, Snow Lion Publications, New York, 1988, p. 73-74)

The Free Press also reported:

Sogyal claimed (she) would be strengthened and healed by having sex with him and that to be hit by a lama was a blessing," the lawsuit states.

Chairman Zhang says this is a favorite trick consistently used by Tibetan "Buddhist" lamas or gurus. They claim to be able to enhance practice through sexual union and lure many ill-informed females into bed with them to practice the copulation tantra. The Dalai Lama also advocates this in his book:

In Highest Yoga Tantra, even the first step of receiving empowerment is possible only on the basis of the presence of a complete assembly of male and female deities. …

In such cases of union, if the realization of one of the partners is more advanced, he or she is able to bring about the release, or actualization of the resultant state, of both practitioners.” (A Survey of Paths of Tibetan Buddhism, under the section of "Women and Buddhism")

With the same trick, Master Shenglun sexually assaulted a female follower last year (2011) in Taiwan. He is also a qualified living “Buddha,” certified by a Sakya Dharma King as the Tibetan “Buddhist” Rinpoche Kunga Rinchen Dorje.

The judicial police found that a bhiksuni, who was in charge of the general affairs in the temple, was a sex broker. She introduced female adherents to Master Shenglun to let him sexually abused them. The victims accused her of having brainwashed them into believing “it is a blessing from the Master.” This is really pathetic and just goes to show, whether in Taiwan or in the States, lamas all exercise the same trick. As the fundamental doctrine of Tibetan "Buddhism" is the sexual union, the practice of copulation tantra is inevitable and the sexual abuses are definitely not isolated cases.

The Free Press further stated:

The suit -- which accuses Rinpoche of fraud, assault and battery, infliction of emotional distress and breach of fiduciary duty -- also charges that the Tibetan lama has "seduced many other female students for his own sexual gratification."

To satisfy his/her sexual desire is essentially the core practice that a Tibetan "Buddhist" guru must carry out. The Dalai Lama advocates in his book, The Dalai Lama at Harvard, that due to the nature of the response of our physical body, the different levels of consciousness would then be subject to change. The strongest change in the level of consciousness that can be utilized by a practitioner occurs during sex. Because of this fact, sex is used as a technique of tantric path.

The Free Press also reported:

Sandra Pawula, spokeswoman for the Rigpa Fellowship of Santa Cruz, one of many meditation centers in the United States, Europe and Australia, declined to comment about the allegations, but said that Rinpoche is not married and does not claim to be a celibate monk. Rinpoche, who lives abroad, could not be reached for comment.

This is exactly one of the lamas’ typical tactics: first to extol themselves to be pure precept holders with high levels of attainment in practice; then, once the sex scandals hit the headlines, a spokesperson would make an excuse or untrue statement such as “Rinpoche is not married and does not claim to be a celibate monk...” In addition, after the exposure of the sex scandals, the tantric lamas in trouble will immediately leave the country. This same scenario happens in Taiwan as well. The most well-known case is probably Linla Rinpoche, an Abbot Khenpo from a Dzogchen Monastery of Tibetan “Buddhism.” He sexually assaulted more than twenty females, forcing the victims to perform oral sex and swallow his semen, which he claimed to be the “white bodhi” (semen) especially granted to the female disciples. After the scandal broke out on July 14, 2006, Linla Rinpoche immediately left Taiwan to avoid criminal prosecution. He also instigated other tantric members to denounce the accusers and he himself refused to make any statements on the scandal in an attempt to let the case bygone and fade away.

Another similar case happened with Sogal Rinpoche. Sogyal Rinpoche not only sexually abused one woman, but many other females were also his victims.

The Free Press further reported:

Another woman allegedly abused by Rinpoche, Victoria Barlow of New York City, said she is “disgusted by the way the Tibetans have manipulated the reverence Westerners have for the Buddhist path.” Barlow, 40, said she first met Rinpoche in the mid-1970s, when she was 21, and that she was sexually exploited by him during meditation retreats in New York and Berkeley. “I went to an apartment to see a highly esteemed lama and discuss religion,” she said in an interview with the Free Press. “He opened the door without a shirt on and with a beer in his hand.” Once they were on the sofa, Barlow said, the Tibetan “lunged at me with sloppy kisses and groping.” “I though I should take it as the deepest compliment that he was interested and basically surrender to him,” she said. . . . “The Dalai Lama has known about this for years and done nothing. There is a real code of secrecy and silence,” said Barlow.
Retrieved from http://www.well.com/conf/media/SF_Free_Press/nov11/guru.html)

From the aforementioned report, we clearly see that Sogyal Rinpoche sexually abused women and this kind of vile behavior stems entirely from the teaching of the sexual Couple-Practice Tantra in Tibetan “Buddhism.” Indeed, there is a real code of secrecy and silence in Tibetan “Buddhism.” For example, the Dalai Lama says in his book that "the practice of Tantrism should be conducted in secret." (Dalai Lama XIV/translated by Huang Chilin, Love in Perfection, China Times Publishing Company, September 1, 1991, 1st edition, pp. 149)

Certainly, the Dalai Lama must have known about the notorious sex scandals of all the lamas over the years. Given that the sexual “Highest Yoga Tantra” is the fundamental tenet of Tibetan “Buddhism” and the Dalai Lama himself has repeatedly furthered the propagation in his books, he can only turn a deaf ear and blind eye to these scandals in an attempt to let them be forgotten by the public.

Lastly, Chairman Zhang indicates that many female adherents in Tibetan “Buddhism” are actually lamas’ female consorts, which is still a secret to most people. In reality, the sex scandals divulged to the public are merely the tip of the iceberg. Many more sexual assault cases committed by lamas have not yet been brought to light. Hopefully, the general public can beware of Tibetan “Buddhism” and warn friends, relatives, and family members to stay away from this sex cult. (Reported by the Interviewing Team)20120610

Editor’s Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on
March 21, 2012.

Reference Source: http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/trueheart_en/31


真心新聞網:從藏傳佛教卡盧仁波切二世「心碎在法國」 聽到來自藏傳佛教內部改革的聲音

(真心新聞網採訪組台北報導)藏傳佛教卡盧仁波切二世,在自拍影片「卡盧仁波切的自白Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche」中,以自身的經歷,踢爆喇嘛圈內性侵男童、爭權奪利的實況,更在自己的部落格寫下「心碎在法國 Broken hearted in France」。2011年4月19日,雖然他繼承了老卡盧仁波切的頭銜與資財,但他道出「厭倦了佛法政治,厭倦了佛法交易」的心情,告訴讀者:他需要支持,去改革「濫用權力、濫用金錢的制度」,將之改變為「尊重人、尊重修學者的制度」。以下是他最真切的自白:

As a matter of fact, many people have come to me and informed me about the misbehavior of some of the lamas over many years; moreover there is a deep unhappiness and disharmony among the residents. In the interest of protecting the center and the Dharma I requested the lamas there to step down. Shamelessly, in response, those lamas have decided with a lawyer to deny my authority as spiritual head of the lineage and this center.

Many times lamas talk about devotion. Devotion, devotion, devotion, but when I need to make a change that counters their plans, there is no agreement, no devotion. I am tired of Dharma politics. I am tired of Dharma business.

既然這麼多年來,真誠的修行者來過(譯註:指法國勃艮第大區噶舉閉關中心Kagyu Ling),他們有的離開,有的感到失望,有的感到傷心…該是重新連結、將一切推回軌道的時候了。
Since all those years, sincere practitioners have come, many have left, many have been disillusioned, many are sad, it is time to reconnect and put things back on track.

我想要改革這個濫用權力、濫用金錢的制度,將它改變為尊重人、尊重修學者的制度。我想要護持佛法。我想要保持佛法的純淨。我想要護持Kagyu Ling。
I want to change the system for a system that doesn’t involve abuse of power or abuse of money and is respectful of people and students. I want to keep Dharma safe. I want to keep Dharma pure. I want to keep Kagyu Ling safe.

I need prayers and support from all of you to put it right. Please join us in prayer and action during this difficult time. Sorry to bother you with bad news. I know that you have professional and family obligations, but at this time I really need you.



After 3 years retreat, all the people are interested because you know they kind of think that I have this great qualification and something which I can remember about my past life and it's nothing like that.


I see all these Buddhist people who are not Buddhist. They look like a Buddhist and they sound like a Buddhist and they act like a Buddhist and I am so confused.

因為,事實上高階喇嘛圈就是權力慾望的共同犯罪體,他們所謂的修行,是為了取得掌握世俗的權力,一切的行為都在這個最高原則下進行。張董事長說:卡盧二世在「卡盧仁波切的自白Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche」片中,坦白自爆喇嘛體制內不為人知的犯罪惡行:他們對外示現慈悲、仁愛、護法,事實上關起門來對付年幼的「轉世靈童」毫不手軟;他們的目的只有一個:控制這個所謂卡盧一世的轉世再來人,就能夠掌控整個教派的政治資源,包括金錢與權力。



值得觀察的是:當藏傳佛教隨著達賴喇嘛、諸仁波切、大小活佛出走西藏,活躍在自由民主的歐美各國時,新一代年輕喇嘛接受了西方的民主、人權思潮,會對藏傳佛教產生什麼樣的量變及質變? 張董事長認為,卡盧二世絕對不會是唯一一個跳出來向自家體制喊話的喇嘛,這從夏瑪巴公開揭露丹麥籍喇嘛Ole Nydahl性交雙修已經可以看出端倪。

尤其卡盧二世在《卡盧的自白Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche》、《心碎在法國 Broken hearted in France》、以及其它演說中流露的,明顯沒有傳統喇嘛沆瀣一氣、橫柴強入灶的歪理強辯。相反的,他正式揭發喇嘛們追逐權勢、彼此不滿、互相鬥爭的實情,以及喇嘛們甚至不惜訴請律師、想要將他拉下龍頭寶座。這顯示出卡盧二世本身不是一個具有傳統喇嘛思惟的喇嘛,他的作為流露出西方尊重個人、尊重民主、尊重自由、尊重人權的影響。




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Real Lamas Perform Real Sexual Practice -Exposing the Lies Made by Dawa Tsering, Director of the Tibet Religious Foundation of H. H. the Dalai Lama (Part 3)

(By the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei)

Radio Free Asia (U.S.-funded) broadcast an interview, with Chairman Zhang of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation, Teacher Yu Zhengwei, and Dawa Tsering, Director of the Tibet Religious Foundation of H. H. the Dalai Lama on Dec. 7, 2011.

Dawa Tsering said, “Sutras clearly stipulated that the fully ordained monks who have received precepts are forbidden to have such practice, since they are not allowed to have any physical contact with females. Some lamas might have sexual affairs with females, but we can certainly see bad apples in all religions, as such behavior is considered deceitful. From the religious point of view, their deceitful grave sins, especially in the name of religion, will definitely cause them to fall down to hell after death.

Chairman Zhang of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation points out that every time a sex scandal involving a Tantric lama surfaces, the typical explanation provided by the Tibet Religious Foundation of H.H. the Dalai Lama is that the lama in question is fake or sex scandals also happen in other religions to blur the focus.

It is plainly obvious that the core doctrine of Tibetan “Buddhism” is the Couple-Practice Tantra. The tantric practice of sexual union has been extremely popular in the Western world for decades. It is no surprise that allegations of sexual abuse by the lamas are frequent occurrences and it is certainly different from the isolated incidents of other religions. It is rather an inevitable and continual result derived from the erroneous and wicked Tantric doctrines. Unfortunately, the Taiwanese community has been poorly informed all along.

Some well-known Tibetan great living “Buddhas,” including Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, and Kalu Rinpoche, a celebrated guru in Taiwan and the Western communities, have received wide media coverage abroad over their sex scandals. Such cases are fully illustrated in the new book of True Wisdom Publishing Co., The Sexual World of Lamas, a few extracts of which as follows:

Best-selling Buddhist Author Accused of Sexual Abuse
A $10 million dollar civil suit was filed in Santa Cruz by a woman who says Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, "coerced" her into an intimate relationship. … "Sogyal claimed (she) would be strengthened and healed by having sex with him and that to be hit by a lama was a blessing," the lawsuit states.
(The Sexual World of Lamas, True Wisdom Publishing Co., 1st edition July 2011, Appendix XVIII)

On February 10, 1999, the UK’s Independent published an article revealing that for years, a celebrated Tibetan Buddhist lama has sexually abused victims (his adherents, disciples, etc). The reporter interviewed Ms. June Campbell, a Scottish religious philosopher. She revealed that she had for years been the secret sexual consort of the Tibetan Buddhist lama, Kalu Rinpoche. This article entitled, I was a Tantric Sex Slave, describes in detail about the practice of Tantric sex in Lamaism (Tibetan Tantric Buddhism). The words, “dakini, consort or Buddha mother” are poetic terms for a woman used by a lama for sex to practice the so-called dual operation of bliss and emptiness of the Highest Yoga Tantra, or the clear light of bliss. Sadly enough, these are females beguiled into becoming sex slaves by Tibetan Tantric lamas. Through these reports, readers can gain more insights into the essence of Tibetan Tantric practice and the true colors of the Couple-Practice Tantra. For more info please refer to The Sexual World of Lamas, appendix X.

Chairman Zhang further indicates, the fact that the sexual Tantra was greatly promoted by Kalu Rinpoche in the West was not only exposed by his own consort, the case was also commented by another well-known figure in Tibetan “Buddhism,” Shamar Rinpoche (a Tibetan, and a “Living Buddha Regent” title was conferred on him by the Karma Kagyu lineage before Ogyen Trinley Dorje was enthroned to the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa). He states:

In 1980 I came to the United States on my first trip to a western country. It was then that I finally learned how Vajrayana is promoted in western countries. I concluded that Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Kalu Rinpoche were primarily responsible for introducing tantric union practices to westerners. As far as I understand, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche's philosophy about westerners is that they are highly motivated by sexual desire, inhabiting a realm of sexual desire. Because of that, he saw Tantra as fit for them. When Kalu Rinpoche taught union practice to westerners, he taught them that it was a Tibetan tradition that he had taught in Tibet in the same way. Indeed, Kalu Rinpoche was really highly trained in tantric teachings. The two of them strongly promoted Tantra in the West and as a result of their efforts tantric practice became a big hit in America, Canada and Europe. (The Sexual World of Lamas, Appendix VIII)

This clearly shows that the sexual practice of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is very popular in the modern West, and it had been commonly practiced by Tibetan lamas in Tibet.

Furthermore, Diana Mukpo, wife and widow of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche wrote a book Dragon Thunder: My Life with Chogyam Trungpa, in which she talks about the many sexual scandals of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and describes the promiscuous life style of his successor, Osel Tendzin. Osel Tendzin was infected with the AIDS virus and sexually transmitted the disease to a female disciple - she was just one of many un-named female disciples who were qualified as Tendzin’s sexual partners.

Buddhist Sect Alarmed by Reports that Leader Kept his AIDS a Secret
The biggest branch of Tibetan Buddhism in America has been stunned with reports that its spiritual leader, whose homosexual activity was known to the movement's insiders, has been infected with the AIDS virus since 1985 but did not acknowledge the problem until last December when a companion was also found to be infected. …It was founded in 1970 in Boulder, Colo., by the Venerable Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, who named Tendzin as his successor before he died in 1987. (The Sexual World of Lamas, appendix XXII)

Chairman Zhang points out that if Dawa Tsering would still lie that the lamas in question were all fake ones, let us ask Dawa Tsering the following questions: Is Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the world-bestselling book Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, a fake lama? Is Kalu Rinpoche, who promotes the Couple-Practice Tantra extensively in the Western countries, a fake lama? Are both Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and his successor Osel Tenzin also fake lamas? Is the Dalai Lama, who diligently propagates the Couple-Practice of the Highest Yoga Tantra, a fake lama? In actuality, these lamas mentioned above are all prominent figures in Tibetan “Buddhism.” Would Dawa Tsering also attempt to deny this fact and argue that they are all being unjustly accused?

The Dalai Lama, the head leader of Tibetan “Buddhism,” explicitly states in his books that a monastic can practice the copulation tantra and would not violate the monastic precepts. The Dalai Lama says:

For Buddhists, sexual intercourse can be used in the spiritual path because it causes a strong focusing of consciousness if the practitioner has firm compassion and wisdom. Its purpose is to manifest and prolong the deeper levels of mind (described earlier with respect to the process of dying), in order to put their power to use in strengthening the realization of emptiness. Otherwise, mere intercourse has nothing to do with spiritual cultivation. When a person has achieved a high level of practice in motivation and wisdom, then even the joining of the two sex organs, or so-called intercourse, does not detract from the maintenance of that person’s pure behavior. Yogis who have achieved a high level of the path and are fully qualified can engage in sexual activity and a monastic with this ability can maintain all the precepts. (The XIV Dalai Lama, translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins, How to Practice: The Way to a Meaningful Life, Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. NY, 2002, p.193.)

According to the Dalai Lama’s statement, Dawa Tsering apparently lies about the fact that Tibetan “Buddhist” monks are not allowed to practice the Couple-Practice Tantra. Actually, for Tibetan Tantric practitioners, either lay or monastic, their final goal is to cultivate the couple-practice of copulation with the female adherents. If the couple-practice tactic is rejected, the lamas would sexually molest the female followers in the name of “love for all.” This social phenomenon has been quite common in Taiwan lately and Tibetan Buddhist authority has its own way to handle such disgraceful incidents committed by Tibetan Tantric lamas. The typical scenario would be that they first asserted that the lamas in questions are fake ones. In case lamas are proven to be real, they would explain that the sexual abuses committed by the lamas are just isolated incidents. Meanwhile, they would try to offer an out-of court settlement; if it failed, they would instigate their followers to threaten the victims altogether. When the judicial system starts to investigate the case, the trouble-maker would then flee from Taiwan. After the incidents finally fade away, lamas would again re-enter Taiwan under a different name and continue to propagate the Couple-Practice Tantra and mislead the Taiwanese female adherents.

Such typical tactics are their routines to handle the repeated sexual scandals committed by Tibetan lamas. For example, Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the world-bestselling book Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, had sexually assaulted many females. After the scandal broke on November 10, 1994, in the U.S., California, Sogyal Rinpoche could not deny the allegations of abuse because fresh evidence against him was aired in a TV program. He then fled out of America and paid an unknown amount of compensation to settle out of court in private. He also refused to make any public statements on the scandal in an attempt to let it bygone and be forgotten. Moreover, the sexual abuse cases by lamas have happened almost every year recently in Taiwan. The most well-known case would be the scandal happening on July 14, 2006. Linla Rinpoche, a lama of Abbot Khenpo at Dzogchen Monastery of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, not only sexually assaulted more than twenty females but forced the victims to perform oral sex and swallow his semen, which he falsely claimed to be the “white bodhis” (semen) especially granted to the female disciples. After the scandal broke, a related spokesperson of the Tibet Religious Foundation of H.H. the Dalai Lama claimed right away that Linla Rinpoche was a fake lama. As soon as the judicial system began to investigate the case, Linla Rinpoche immediately left Taiwan to escape the criminal prosecution. Naturally the case went down like a lead balloon and faded from the public’s memory eventually.

Fortunately, in recent years, after the True Enlightenment Education Foundation has uncovered the true face of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, the general public gradually acknowledge the serious problems caused by the couple-practice tantra. Last November (2011), the lama Shenglun, a rinpoche certified by the Dharma King of the Ngorpa Sakya Sect of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, was accused of committing sexual abuses. In lama Shenglun’s bedroom, the police found twenty books about the copulation-practice and sexual orgasm, as well as the naked couple-body “Buddha” statues. What’s more pathetic was that the nuns in the monastery served as matchmakers in search of copulating partners for the lama Shenglun. According to the media reports, he selected young and attractive females for copulating partners. We deplore this fact that the promiscuous Couple-Practice Tantra has already infiltrated Buddhist temples in Taiwan! It has also proven that for those who have practiced Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, they are bound to be on the path to the couple-practice of copulation. Nevertheless, the truth will eventually come to light, and the sexual molestation cases will be exposed by the media sooner or later.

Lastly, Chairman Zhang appeals: The Foundation is calling for the public to stay away from such counterfeit Buddhism. We hope that all Buddhist monks can also step forward courageously to get rid of “Tibetan fake Buddhism” and restore the Buddhist community to its pure practice. We also hope that none of the religious practitioners would follow the example of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism in the name of religious practice. Thus, we are in hope that the government could be strong enough to dispel this “sinister cult,” which is based on its illicit tenet of the couple-practice tantra and violates social moral, from Taiwan. (Reported by the Interviewing Team)20120507

Editor’s Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on
January 24, 2012.

Reference Source: http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/trueheart_en/29




張董事長接著表示,在《喇嘛性世界》第63頁~72頁引用了一篇英文報導,其中提到:「有報導指出,藏傳佛教在美國最大宗派的精神領袖已於1985年染上愛滋病,但他卻一直隱瞞事實,直到去年12月一名同伴也染上愛滋病,他才承認此事。這些報導震驚了他的信徒圈,因為他的同性戀行為只有宗派裡的內部人才知道。一位組織裡的主管聲稱這樁醜聞為道德上一場「悲慘的大災難」。當事人為45歲的歐澤天津Ozel Tendzin,出生於美國,擔任國際金剛界Vajradhatu佛教組織的領導者。….. 有幾位親近該宗派高層主管的受訪者證實了Tendzin 的一位年輕男性伴侶和其一位女性友人已經被檢查出是愛滋病病毒的帶原者。」(《喇嘛性世界》,正智出版社,頁63~64)

這篇報導的Los Angeles Times 的報紙網頁:














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(真心新聞網採訪組台北報導)丹麥籍喇嘛尼達爾(Ole Nydahl)日前於瑞士傳出被女弟子指控他濫用權力、宗教性侵和持有種族意識。瑞士的菩提道中心(Bodhi Path Center)共有5處,人們指稱該法門為真正的邪教,領導人尼達爾喇嘛因與女弟子的關係遭到性侵的質疑,他的前弟子們怨訴他濫用權力並有種族主義。

尼達爾喇嘛現年70歲,出生於丹麥,曾就讀於德國杜賓根大學、慕尼黑大學。他與妻子漢娜(Hannah)至尼泊爾新婚旅行時,接觸到藏傳佛教噶瑪噶舉派,先後親近第十六世噶瑪巴讓炯日佩多杰(Rangjung Rigpe Dorje)、十七世噶瑪巴聽列泰耶多傑(Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje),返歐後廣設金剛乘禪修中心,堪稱在歐洲推廣藏傳佛教的重要人物。

依據諸多資料顯示,尼達爾喇嘛不僅完整地傳承了藏傳佛教的譚崔修行,自己更身體力行奉行不輟,瑞士、德國等國均已傳出多起受害女性指控尼達爾宗教性侵的案件。32歲、職業為通訊顧問的瑪麗安娜‧胡伯(Marianne Huber)說:「我親眼見識了金剛乘禪修中心的菁英主義、種族主義和性別歧視。」瑪麗安娜曾在尼達爾主持的金剛乘禪修中心修學過兩年,一開始她曾著迷於尼達爾所傳授的藏傳佛教教法。對此,蘇黎世的邪教專家施密特教授(Professor Georg Schmid)分析說:「尼達爾喇嘛的魅力在於他向弟子們保證,追隨他能夠充分享受生活、性愛、成功、以及開悟。」


美國威斯康辛的論壇報「La Crosse Tribune」專欄作家Joe Orso也在2009年11月15日的〈尼達爾喇嘛:佛學教師還是江湖郎中? Lama Ole: Buddhist teacher or charlatan?〉披露尼達爾性交修行的事實。他電話訪問尼達爾有關他與女弟子發生性關係的事,尼達爾「沒有否認」,並且回答說:「我們的性行為中沒有一點師生關係,她們是金剛乘佛教徒,但在那一刻她們不是我的弟子。她們是平等的夥伴。」





張董事長指出,外籍喇嘛們的雙修事實,對比了藏傳佛教一貫自相矛盾的說法。資料顯示:尼達爾喇嘛從學藏傳佛教,經歷了卡盧仁波切、天噶仁波切、第十六世噶瑪巴、第十七世噶瑪巴,藏傳佛教的譚崔修行隱藏又緊密包含在傳承法教之中。而紅帽法王夏瑪巴仁波切更曾經公開說:「邱陽‧創巴(Chogyam Trungpa)、卡盧(Kalu)仁波切是將譚崔性交法門引入西方的先鋒。…….西方人的性慾很強,活在性的世界裡,於是斷定譚崔性交是適合西方人的法門。卡盧仁波切把性交修行法門傳給西方人,並告訴他們,這是西藏的傳統,他在西藏也是以相同的方式傳授給信徒。」(《喇嘛性世界》第12-16頁)這說明了藏傳佛教之所以大舉轉向歐美,向外籍人士傳播,是因為他們是藏傳佛教喇嘛眼中「最具根器」的弟子,因此不需要對西方人要求傳統的規矩:欲學習藏密要先學習顯教經論三年,然後再觀察因緣、是否具足信心之後才授以「秘密之教」。 相反的,到西方傳教的先鋒喇嘛們都是有志一同地:一開始就全盤托出,開宗明義將藏傳佛教最精華、最核心、最要義、最根本的譚崔修行法門,教導給「性慾很強」的西洋弟子們。

認為外國人士是最具根器弟子的,不僅僅只限於邱陽‧創巴(Chogyam Trungpa)活佛、卡盧仁波切,包括藏傳佛教的大家長十四世達賴喇嘛在內,也是如此傳授法義。德國藏密評論家特利蒙地(Trimondi)認清藏傳佛教的真實面目之後,曾向瑞士Yabyum雜誌的記者表示,以前之所以信受達賴喇嘛、藏傳佛教,除了達賴喇嘛的個人魅力、看似民主科學的主張,另一個原因是藏傳佛教的核心「坦特羅」(Tantra,譚崔性交修行):「我們似乎看到了一個追求兩性平等,不排斥性愛、甚至以性愛為中心主旨的宗教。」





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