

文章來源: http://tantrastory.blogspot.com/2011/11/blog-post_21.html


(圖片來源網站:album.udn.com )




這也讓我想起前陣子與藝人陶子對話的喇嘛仁波切,竟把「底褲走光」作為「秀蓮花的慈悲」。現在回頭想想,這番僅有喇嘛仁波切認為是人生的智慧言論,除了令敢衝敢言的陶晶瑩咋舌外,似乎也明白宣示出,藏密喇嘛仁波切對於修學「雙身法」的不變立場!看樣子,若是有心想修學佛法,今後還是改持 諸佛名號,或是大慈大悲的 觀世音菩薩名號,才能真正與 佛、菩薩相應,得到庇蔭與加持,對於不明究裡的咒語:如藏密的六字大明咒等,還是敬謝不敏比較穩當!以免在修學佛法的道路,搬石頭砸自己的腳!本以為持咒可以感應到佛菩薩的加持,最後卻讓藏密上師誤會想要共修雙身法,一來一回之間,卻成了天下最大的冤枉! 老實念佛吧!

























文章來源: http://book.bfnn.org/books/0498.htm






2003年,美國人一年吃掉91.5億隻動物(不含水產),美國約有2億7千萬人,因此每人每年吃掉 34隻動物,加上魚蝦類則更多。請注意,這是2003年的數字,美國每年被屠殺作為盤中餐的動物數字每年都在增加中。

根據台灣農委會發佈的資料,臺灣在2003年吃掉近60萬噸的雞肉,以一隻雞2公斤 計算,臺灣人每年吃掉約3億隻雞。
因此,臺灣每人每年吃掉14隻雞,一個一生吃50年素的臺灣人,終其一生可以救 1700隻雞免於被屠宰及在養殖場被虐待。
做什麼善事可以讓一個人一輩子救1700條命? 就是只要能控制嘴巴、筷子,開始吃素就可以了!

原始文章來自: http://www.a202.idv.tw/discuz/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=14079&fromuid=6511


Why is Tibetan “Buddhism” not Buddhism? - Part One of a Series Report -

(By Lin Yuyue of the True Heart News Interviewing Team in Taipei) Zhang Gongpu, CEO of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation, says that although Tibetan “Buddhism” carries the name of Buddhism, it is actually a non-Buddhist school. Although its doctrine carries many Buddhist terms, it has nothing to do with Buddhism. It has completely changed the true Buddhism to a purely heretic one. Therefore, Tibetan “Buddhism” is fundamentally non-Buddhism. It is because Tibetan “Buddhism” does not take Buddha Sakyamuni as the ultimate teacher to rely on. All beginners of Tibetan “Buddhism” are instructed to firmly believe that their root gurus are the same without distinction as Buddhas and are even asked to honor and obey their root gurus more than Buddhas.

CEO Zhang further explains that the Buddha of Buddhism is Buddha Sakyamuni, the primary teacher. He did attain his Buddhahood through realizing the true mind and seeing the Buddha-nature. Having attained his unsurpassed perfect Buddhahood, He wholly deserves the ten titles of the Buddha: The One Worthy of Offering, The One with Right and Universal Knowledge, The One Perfected in Wisdom and Actions, Well Gone One, Teacher of Gods and Men, The One Who Understands the World, Unsurpassed Lord, Regulating Hero, Buddha, and The World Honored One. He became a Buddha through the root dhyanas(禪定)– the four-dhyanas(四禪). He has perfectly fulfilled the four Prajnas to become a Buddha: His eighth vijnana(識) has achieved the Prajna of Grand Perfect Mirror; His seventh vijana has achieved the Prajna of Equality in Nature; His sixth vijnana has achieved the Prajna of Wondrous Observations; His first five vijnanas have achieved the Prajna of Accomplishing Deeds. He can start to teach Dharma to save beings right after becoming a Buddha. Everyone who has listened to the Buddha’s teachings can attain the pure dharma-eye (the First Fruition of liberation), and so on, including the Fourth Fruition of liberation as an arhat, and later, one might further become an enlightened bodhisattva who realizes True Suchness.

CEO Zhang continues: Tibetan “Buddhism” on the contrary claims it can make followers to “attain Buddhahood in a lifetime.” However, the term “Buddha” in Tibetan “Buddhism” refers to the “couple-body ‘Buddha’.” Both the male and the female of a couple can become “Buddha” through sexual intercourse. The process to attain Buddhahood in Tibetan “Buddhism” is not through practicing the four-dhyanas or through realizing the true reality of the dharma-realm, but through sexual enjoyment to achieve the “joyful couple-body ‘Buddhas’.” It is stated in the Buddhist sutra that a female body has obstacles that prevent her from becoming the following five beings: (1) a Brahma Heaven King, (2) Lord Shakra, (3) the king of Maras, (4) a Wheel-Turning Sage King, and (5) a Buddha. The Buddha states clearly that women possess these five obstacles; logically speaking, how can women “become Buddhas in a lifetime”? Besides, attaining Buddhahood is based on the wisdom of all seeds stored in the true mind, Tathagatagarbha(如來藏). However, the teachings of Tibetan “Buddhism,” both the Svatantrika Madhyamika and the Prasangika Madhyamika, all negate the eighth vijnana Tathagatagarbha. They flagrantly violate the Buddha’s true teachings and openly claim that the conscious mind is the everlasting and indestructible mind. Therefore, this is apparent that the doctrines of Tibetan “Buddhism” have nothing to do with those of Buddhism and are all based on their own illusory and fallacious views.

CEO Zhang concludes: The fruition of Buddhahood, practice methods and sequence preached by Tibetan “Buddhism” have nothing to do with the teachings of Buddha Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. No matter how Tibetan Buddhists argue speciously or brag about their close ties with Buddhism, they should not claim the obscene and filthy copulation games as part of Buddhist practices. If Tibetan “Buddhism” can claim itself as Lamaism instead of Buddhism, the True Enlightenment Education Foundation would not bother to interfere, nor would the Foundation have the right to poke into the promiscuous practices of Tibetan “Buddhism.” However, Tibetan “Buddhism” fools the Buddhist community and the public by claiming its obscene and devious practice methods as the way to “Buddhahood.” Everyone who has a sense of justice should step forward and expose their fraud. All dharma masters, monks, and followers of Buddhism should speak out against Tibetan “Buddhism” and expel this non-Buddhist, the Dharma destroyer, out of Buddhism. (Reported by Lin Yuyue) 20111121

Editor's Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on May 30, 2011

Reference Source: http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/trueheart_en/19

真心新聞網: 藏傳佛教達瓦才仁愈描愈黑


自由時報 – 2011年11月14日週一




而另一本著作《達賴生死書》則以:「具有堅定慈悲及智慧的修行者,可以在修行之道上運用性交,以性交做為強大意識專注的方法,然後顯現出本有的澄明心。目的是要實證及延長心的更深刻層面,然後用此力量加強對空性的了悟。」清楚的說明了藏傳佛教所說的「慈悲及智慧」不過是指「在修行之道上運用性交」,而其「對空性的了悟」,也還是指在延長性交中以此「強大意識專注的方法」把淫樂中的覺知心,當成了佛法究竟的證境,殊不知這種淫樂境界其實與佛法的實證全然無關----八竿子也打不著。藏傳佛教的祖師爺宗喀巴,更主張藏傳佛教「修行人」,必須二六時中(每天24小時)不中斷雙身法的實修,更在其《密宗道次第廣論》卷十四戌二〈時輪規〉中,竟然教誡其藏傳佛教中的上師和弟子 :「汝可殺有情,受用他人女,不與汝可取,一切說妄語。」因此,執行長表示藏傳佛教官方發言人的說詞純是狡辯,應該說為「藏傳佛教絕不允許僧人『不從事』與女性有雙修的行為」,才符合事實。而宗喀巴正是達賴喇嘛所崇奉的黃教創教祖師,達瓦才仁又正是達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會的董事長,如今他在具有藏傳佛教正式法脈傳承的聖輪喇嘛爆出性侵醜聞時,出來謊稱「藏傳佛教絕不允許僧人與女性有雙修的行為,在台灣,有很多打著藏傳佛教或密宗名目者,在外招搖撞騙,像雙修、淫人妻這種就是騙術」,仍是重施故計欺騙台灣人,這已證明達瓦才仁所說的這一類謊言都是不值得信任的,而他這一類謊言已經講過很多次了。





中時電子報報導:【在聖輪法師案中,引人好奇的就是圍繞在法師旁眾多「貼身助理」比丘尼們所扮演的角色。最早擔任助理的安師父到案後供稱,「命是師父救的,所以師父說的話都是對的」,她曾遭家暴,帶孩子逃出後,聖輪支助她的孩子讀書,讓她對聖輪的話絕對服從。】 【檢警調查發現,聖輪對「貼身比丘尼」已達完全洗腦程度,讓她們願意去找女信徒來與法師進行「心靈對話」,過程中還會試圖去降低女信徒們的戒心,在女信徒被猥褻、性侵同時,還會不斷安撫她們「這樣是正常的」、「這是必要的程序」,被害人在半推半就下被侵害,事後還會問比丘尼們『這樣是對的嗎?』】聞之令人不忍。

中時電子報 – 2011年11月15日




此篇文章報導來自: http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/trueheart/165


真心新聞網: 藏傳佛教仁波切 二度搜「密」二度驚













以上報導來自 http://foundation.enlighten.org.tw/node/324


「若佛菩薩不出現 世間眾生無導師」

《大乘本生心地觀經》卷3〈2 報恩品〉:
「若佛菩薩不出現, 世間眾生無導師,
生死嶮難無由過,   如何得至於寶所?
以大願力為善友,   常說妙法令修行,
趣向十地證菩提,   善入涅槃安樂處。
大悲菩薩化世間,   方便引導眾生故,
內祕一乘真實行,  外現緣覺及聲聞。
鈍根小智聞一乘,   怖畏發心經多劫,
不知身有如來藏,   唯欣寂滅厭塵勞。
眾生本有菩提種,  悉在賴耶藏識中
若遇善友發大心,   三種鍊磨修妙行,
永斷煩惱所知障,   證得如來常住身。」
(CBETA, T03, no. 159, p. 305, a5-15)


目前只知道一些基本的知見。成佛之道的真實行乃是自二乘解脫道之斷除我見以及大乘佛菩提之明心證悟第八識如來藏心。第八識如來藏(又名阿賴耶識)恆常不滅(生生世世永恆之心,所以真實)不生、不垢不淨(因如來藏自體清淨但又含藏七識心之染污種子,故說不垢不淨)、不增亦不減等等。如欲詳知真實心與虛妄心為何以及《心經》之意涵,可閱讀 蕭平實導師著的【心經密意】http://www.a202.idv.tw/a202-big5/book2015/book2015.htm


【心經密意】中提到,「能現觀真心和妄心(八識心王)和合一起運作、能現前觀察到本來自在的心和覺知心的我、思量心的我同時並存的人,就是觀自在菩薩。」而「觀自在菩薩」的本來意思不是指 觀世音菩薩。

《摘自 平實導師【心經密意】》


部分文引用自: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/studydiaries/34714746



當老和尚在世的時候,承天寺可以說經常人山人海,很多人都去拜訪老和尚。到底來的人是為什麼而來呢?有一天老和尚就笑著對弟子說:「人這麼多,我們設法讓一些人回去。 」弟子就說:「人既然來了,要怎麼叫人回去呢?」老和尚笑著說:「我有辦法」。到底是什麼辦法呢?


老和尚看這麼多人走了,就在那兒笑,說:「這些都是來看外表,迷於事相的,也不是真要來求佛法的,果然都回去了。」我們一般人是 — 有人來就擺出一副莊嚴的形象,讓人家參觀,很怕人家不生恭敬心,批評我們不莊嚴。但是老和尚真是無我相、無人相。你看他其貌不揚,對他沒興趣,他也不要緊,他很自在,根本不需要人家恭敬他,所以他遊戲人間,用各種辦法來考驗 — 到底你是來看外表的呢?還是要來求佛法的呢?


老和尚說:佛法沒有末法,是『人』末法 — 是人不懂敬佛、重世法,老是把佛法擺在生活之最末 — 擺在財、色、名、食、睡之後,更擺在『茶餘飯後』之後,『人情應酬』之末。把學佛重要性擺在最末後的人,就是末法時代的人。如果是敬佛重法的人,永遠是在正法時代的!而從不在乎佛法,甚至和佛唱反調的,就是滅法時代的人了!



[台視] 熱線追蹤- 西藏密宗的人骨法器

有廣大慈悲的 佛陀以及佛菩薩會告訴眾生要使用人類的骨頭來當作法器嗎?


The Dark Side of the Human Mind - Tibetan "Buddhism"

 Based on True Enlightenment Education Foundation's long-term research and having verified with the sutras of orthodox Buddhism, the True Enlightenment Education Foundation found that Tibetan Buddhism (Tibetan Tantric Buddhism or Lamaism) is essentially not orthodox Buddhism. Tibetan "Buddhism" has nothing to do with the Buddha dharma that expounded by Buddha Sakyamuni, since the core doctrine of Tibetan "Buddhism" is to practice the Copulation Tantra (Couple-Practice Tantra) -- the Tantric Yoga of "Highest Yoga Tantra" with any females. I say "any females" because in the Tibetan Buddhism world, lamas, rinpoches and so-called living "Buddha" could take (use) any species of female to fulfill their practices through Copulation Tantra. One so-called patriarch of Tibetan Tantric School even said, “Whatever can help to reach the state of bliss, even animals should not be spared.” Even more absurd is the usage of female ghosts and corpses for such practices. Can any female accept this? In order to protect females and families around the world and oust the lamas who are sexually abusing women from Taiwan, please do tell all friends and relatives around you to stay away from the lamas of Tibetan "Buddhism"!

 The lamas of the Tibetan Tantric School have been sexually abusing many women and girls for a long time; they collect money by fraud and are love swindlers. In the Dalai Lama's book, he frankly says:
For Buddhists, sexual intercourse can be used in the spiritual path because it causes a strong focusing on consciousness if the practitioner has firm compassion and wisdom. Its purpose is to manifest and prolong deeper levels of mind (described earlier with respect to the process of dying), in order to put their power to use in strengthening the realization of the emptiness. Otherwise, mere intercourse has nothing to do with spiritual cultivation. When a person has achieved a high level of practice in motivation and wisdom, then even the joining of the two sex organs, or so-called intercourse, does not detract from the maintenance of that person's pure behavior. Yogis who have achieved a high level of the path and are fully qualified can engage in sexual activity and a monastic with this ability can maintain all the precepts. (Dalai Lama XIX/translated and edited by Jeffery Hopkins, How to Practice: The Way to a Meaningful Life, Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. NY, 2002, p.193.)
 In fact, sexual intercourse can never be the means of Buddhist practice because one should be away from the sexual desire in order to attain even the basic samadhi (禪定) in Buddhism.

 The actual "compassion" of Tibetan "Buddhism" was told by the Dalai Lama. In his book, the Dalai Lama says:

A practitioner who has firm compassion and wisdom can make use of sexual intercourse in the spiritual path as a technique for strongly focusing consciousness and manifesting the fundamental innate mind of clear light. Its purpose is to actualize and prolong the deeper levels of mind in order to put their power to use in strengthening the realization of emptiness. (Dalai Lama XIV/translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins, Mind of Clear Light: Advice on living well and dying consciously, Atria Books, 2003, p.176.)
 Obviously, the lamas are using the female followers as the sexual partners to have the practice of extensive copulations. They give it a dignified name and say that it is to “strengthen the realization of emptiness” . Actually, the gurus or lamas desire to have sex with most of the female followers; under the guise of Buddhist term "enlightenment," they seduce the beautiful young females. (In fact, they refuse to have sex with the ugly old females, violating the spirit of love for all.) What the Dalai Lama preaches is "a fake Buddhism that makes use of sexual partners".

 He says again in his another book:

According to the New translation Schools, at a certain high point in the practice of Secret Mantra, the mantrika engages in special practices such as making use of a sexual partner, hunting animals, and so forth. Though it is easy to explain the purpose of employing a partner as a means of bringing desire to the path and inducing subtler consciousnesses which realize emptiness, the hunting of animals cannot be explained that way. (The XIV Dalai Lama, Kindness, Clarity, & Insight, Snow Lion Publications, 1988, p.219.)
 Therefore, for the lamas of Tibetan fake Buddhism, "the sexual partner" plays a very important role. For this reason, it is understood why they are often accused of sexual assaults - when the female follower is unwilling to have the couple-practice with the lama and the lama mistakenly thinks that she only pretends to be shy, a scandal breaks after the lama has sexually assaulted her.

 The article below is originally from the True Heart News. If you would like to know more information and read more articles about Tibetan Buddhism, please go to the website HERE to find out the truth of Tibetan lamas and rinpoches.

Tibetan “Buddhism”? The Dark Side of the Human Mind

(By Guo Fengyan of the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei) On the appearance, it seems that many practitioners of Tibetan “Buddhism” have realized the true reality of the Buddha-dharma. Regarding this, Xiong Jun, Executive Secretary of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation, explains that Tibetan Tantric practitioners are good at using great titles, such as dharma-king, living “Buddha” and rinpoche to deceive followers and defraud followers of their money by elevating false level of attainment. Those fake stage of attainment are actually made from severe deception; those with such titles are all ordinary people.

Xiong Jun points out that the Dalai Lama is extolled as the reincarnation of Avalokitesvava Bodhisattva. Most Buddhists would never dare to commit such deed of severe deception. As Tibetan lamas claiming themselves as the rebirths of great bodhisattvas or to have attained Buddhahood, most Buddhists would not have any doubt on that, for everyone knows very well that should a person lie about his level of attainment, the extreme painful retribution in uninterrupted hell for uncountable eons will be drawn for those severe deceptions. As a result, nobody dares to commit such evil deeds. Therefore, when lamas openly claim to have such lofty level of realization, they could effortlessly earn blind idolatry and respect from the novices.

Executive Secretary Xiong further points out that Tibetan lamas, up from the Dalai Lama and down to the ordinary ones, are all pursuers of the couple-practice of the “Highest Yoga Tantra”. They love to immerse themselves in the lustful desires in long hours every day without the least undefiled mind as that of the ordinary people. They are not able to eliminate the love of the desire-realm, nor can they realize the no-desire state of the form and formless-realm, not to mention the state beyond them. Apparently, they do not achieve the level of the first dhyana obtained by the non-Buddhist who is able to stay away from desires. In addition, attaching firmly to the conscious mind, Tantric practitioners regard it as the mind of permanent existence. Therefore, it is evident that the First Fruit level of sound-hearers, achieved by those who have eliminated their self-view, which has not even been realized by any lamas from ancient times till now. Even worse, they often illicitly have sex with other people’s wives and daughters to seek for the lustful pleasure throughout the body; with such disgraceful behavior, lamas cannot even abide by the ethical standards of ordinary people, let alone be an enlightened Bodhisattva. How could they possibly be the rebirth of any bodhisattva?

Tibetan ”Buddhism” is an organized, long-lasting international fraudulent group. Executive Secretary Xiong states that they lure the public by claiming that one can “attain Buddhahood in a single lifetime” through practicing tantras. The beginners of Buddhism, wishing to learn the pure way of practice, normally do not have the capability to identify what the real essence should be to attain Buddhahood. Therefore, they tend to totally accept the bold claim of “attaining Buddhahood in a lifetime” by Tibetan “Buddhism” and inevitably fall into the dark and endless pit. During the process of so-called the way to Buddhahood, a great deal of fortune would be offered by the followers in order to get the blessings from their gurus. Some female followers even offer their own bodies to please their gurus; unfortunately, they are sexually abused by lamas and still naively believe that this is the way to “attain Buddhahood in a single lifetime.”

Xiong Jun points out: Tibetan “Buddhism” has placed the status of gurus well above the Three Jewels – Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha; that is in fact a deliberate cunning plot. Xiong Jun further says that Tibetan “Buddhism” emphasizes that empowerment could only be received while the followers have full faith in their gurus. The followers must accept whatever the gurus or rinpoches demand, so that they could become neither plural nor distinctive from their gurus. This is indeed a typical way of brainwashing. Once being brainwashed, the followers would just offer whatever the gurus ask for, money or sexuality alike. As a result, the followers would commence their way of Buddhist practice of depending on the person but not the doctrine; what they are learning indeed has nothing to do with the true Buddha dharma at all. While knowing what the true dharma is, we are deeply saddened by the fact that the fundamental teaching of Tibetan “Buddhism” is not only having illicit sex with other people’s wives and daughters, but also taking money offerings from them.

Xiong Jun explains sincerely and earnestly that the cultivation path taught by the Buddha is to practice through the process of “hearing, pondering and cultivating” and to negate the conscious mind (the sixth vijnana) and its belongings of self; thereby one can be able to eliminate self-view and to “realize” the First Fruit. (However, in the teachings of Tibetan “Buddhism,” lamas are required to seek the sensual pleasure via sex throughout the body everyday, which is exactly the state of the conscious mind and the body-vijnana. Both are within the scope of vijnana-skandha and its belongings of self). Furthermore, it is essential to stay away from desires to activate the First Dhyana and to realize the Third Fruit; moreover, one must get enlightened by realizing the eighth vijnana Tathagatagarbha, thereby becoming a great bodhisattva. A great bodhisattva is not a Buddha yet until his All-Seed-Prajna has been fully fulfilled. Hence, how could the obscene copulation tantra with sexual pleasure enjoyed by lamas of Tibetan “Buddhism,” which is down and tied to the desire-realm enable the practitioners to become Buddha? All wise people should be aware of it and avoid being led astray so as not to fall beyond redemption.

Lastly, Executive Secretary Xiong Jun states: observing from above, we can see there is no bright side at all in the minds of the Tibetan “Buddhism” leader and all lamas. Since they have been following the root doctrine of Tibetan “Buddhism,” teachings of the Lotus Born and Tsongkhapa, and seeking the lustful pleasure from the copulation with female followers everyday. The state of the sexual enjoyment of the desire-realm is the only thing that lamas think of during the day and dream about at night. Indeed, we can conclude that the lamas’ minds are full of darkness. (Reported by Guo Fengyan)20111107

Editor's Note:
This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on February 25, 2011
The news about Tibetan lamas and rinpoches:

1. Best-selling Buddhist author accused of sexual abuse:

2. Tibetan Buddhism, Kama Sutra, and Tantric Sex:

3. I was a Tantric sex slave:

4. Buddhist Sect Alarmed by Reports That Leader Kept His AIDS a Secret:

Again, Tibetan Buddhism (Tibetan Tantric Buddhism or Lamaism) is indeed NOT Buddhism nor orthodox Buddhism at all.



昨天又一則宗教性醜聞案件,偏藏傳佛教、西藏密宗的聖輪法師(佛法山台中聖德禪寺的創辦人)涉嫌掐胸強吻女義工, 離譜的是還有比丘尼在旁攝影。






蘋果日報 新聞:淫僧掐胸強吻女義工 離譜尼姑竟攝影旁觀

蘋果日報 新聞:受害女罵「披袈裟的狼」
        檢搜禪寺 女尼湮滅光碟被阻 法師收押

蘋果日報 新聞:稱自行悟道 靠賣有機茶出名

蘋果日報 新聞:女義工猛刷牙「一想到他就想吐」http://tw.nextmedia.com/applenews/article/art_id/33796912/IssueID/20111107

他已經破了身為佛教出家人最基本的戒律 ─ 邪淫戒(離淫慾)。世間人尚不允許胡亂調戲良家婦女,何況是身為一位佛教的出家法師!又因為否認犯行,妄語罪又加上了。這就是親近西藏密宗到最後會走到的地步。因為藏傳佛教的本質就是修雙身法、修男女淫慾的法!藏傳佛教絕對不是修行清淨的佛教,它是喇嘛教。

此篇文章部分引用自: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/shamus0408/34613017